翻译遇到了困难了?This service is a singleton service; every client starting a session does not instantiate a new instance of the service. This is to enable a single service to deal with many clients. This means that the first client calling t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:42:09

翻译遇到了困难了?This service is a singleton service; every client starting a session does not instantiate a new instance of the service. This is to enable a single service to deal with many clients. This means that the first client calling t
This service is a singleton service; every client starting a session does not instantiate a new instance of the service. This is to enable a single service to deal with many clients. This means that the first client calling the service instantiates a new instance of the service, and each subsequent call is just calling the service operations. Service operations are methods or functions that the service implements; a service represents its operations in an interface, and represents the callback operations in another interface, asking a client to implement those callback operations, to be able to call the client again whenever it may want 这个是一个wcf的说明,希望大家能够把主要的意思翻译,谢谢!

翻译遇到了困难了?This service is a singleton service; every client starting a session does not instantiate a new instance of the service. This is to enable a single service to deal with many clients. This means that the first client calling t
这是一个独立的服务;每个客户端发起一个会话时并不需要实例化该服务的一个对象.所以它可以(并发)处理多个客户端(请求).也就是说第一个客户端请求该服务时实例化该服务的一个对象,接着每个并发请求都只是在调用该服务的一些操作(operations)(而不必再去实例化该服务的对象了),这些操作(operations)包括方法(methods C#中)或者过程(function VB中);一个服务将它的操作(operations)声明成一个接口,同时把回调操作声明在另一个接口中,让客户端来实现这些操作(operations)(也就是让客户端实现这个接口定义的那些回调方法),(同时)该服务对象(service)可以在任何时候访问客户端并回调客户端已经实现的那些方法(those callback operations)