I wonder…how will do you know yourself?翻译中文

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I wonder…how will do you know yourself?翻译中文
I wonder…how will do you know yourself?

I wonder…how will do you know yourself?翻译中文

I wonder…how will do you know yourself?翻译中文 I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future 怎么翻译 i wonder how you do it 寻英文歌名“I wonder how I wonder why I wonder ……” I wonder ( )to do next 填how 还是what 请翻译:I wonder how long such thing you will last. I wonder how long the metting will ____.A,know B,expect C,last I begin to wonder how long the disaster will be gone i wonder to do what how i wonder to know……这个说法对吗?或者“how i wonder know”就是“我多么想知道.” I wonder how,I wonder 在哪里有过出现? i wonder how i wonder 翻译I wonder how i wonder. 这句话是病句吗? 怎么翻译? I wonder __. for two hours A.how long this perforI wonder __.for two hoursA.how long this performance wil lastB.how long will this performance lastE.where this performance will take placeF.where will this performance take place I wonder how,I wonder why ,I wonder where you are这是哪首歌有的啊? i wonder that how you will feel if i say l love you 要正确的.i wonder that how you will feel if i say l love 要正确的. i wonder how much……a.cost these shoesb.do these shoes costC these shoes costd. are these shoes cost并说明原因~谢谢~ 把所给单词连成句子:1、how,successful,comes,do,out,you,a,know,film.________________________?2、wonder,I,will,what,happen,next.________________________.3、my,shopping,is,closest,house,to,the,mall,the________________________.4、bread,on,o how I wonder what you are!