
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 04:20:33


The romance of The Three Kingdoms described the history of almost one hundred years from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty.Reflecting the political and military struggles,the infiltration and transformation of various kinds of social contradictions in The Three Kingdoms period,outlining the great historical changes in this era,The Romance of The Three Kingdoms portrayed a batch of dominant heroes.In describing the history of The Three Kingdoms,the author showed the obvious tendency of upholding Liu Bei but opposing Cao Cao.Itfocused on the description of Liu Bei group,extolling its main characters,but flayingCao Cao.Asfor the author’s tendency of upholding Liu Bei but opposingCao Cao,we should have a dialectical understanding.Respecting Liu but opposing Cao is the main tendency of the Chinese folklore.In the era of Luo Guanzhong it implicated the hope for the people to revive the Han Nationality.

Description of the romance of three kingdoms from the eastern han dynasty to the early years of the western history of almost one hundred years between the wind and cloud.Reflects the political and military struggle in The Three

英语翻译《三国演义》描写的是从东汉末年到西晋初年之间近一百年的历史风云.全书反映了三国时代的政治军事斗争,反映了三国时代各类社会矛盾的渗透与转化,概括了这一时代的历史巨变, 东汉末年到隋唐的历史是怎样的? 古典文学名著《三国演义》开篇第一句话就是“所谓天下大势,分久必合,合久必分”,你认为这句话正确吗?从东汉末年到三国鼎立的历史是否证明了这一点?三国鼎立局面形成的主要原因是什 东汉末年到三国时期的年表..急.. 从东汉末年混乱的军阀割据局面到三国鼎立,这种变化是历史的倒退还是进步?请说明 说说东汉末年到西晋初的风流人物!尽详,如题三国演义华而不实,有夸大之嫌! 东汉末年主要是指那段时间从什么时候开始到什么时候家属 东汉末年的州县名, 东汉末年的诗 34、北方少数民族内迁是从何时开始的?( ) A、东汉末年 B、西晋末年 C、东晋 D、南朝 从东汉末年到南北朝,我国出现的短暂统一的王朝是?A曹魏 B北魏 C西晋 D前奏 求东汉末年到三国时期的详细地图... 东汉末年到隋朝初之间的历史 东汉末年到西晋,历史发展呈怎样的趋势? 春秋战国到东汉末年的名医有那些 列举东汉末年到南北朝时期北方的几次统一 关于穿越到东汉末年的小说.请问有那些? 曹操既然是东汉末年人物,为什么出现在三国演义里?