英语翻译Some couples came from out of state.Unlike Massachusetts,the only other state to legalize gay marriage,California has no residency requirement for a marriage license.Many gay activists are likening the moment to the 1967 Summer of Love,wh

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:24:14

英语翻译Some couples came from out of state.Unlike Massachusetts,the only other state to legalize gay marriage,California has no residency requirement for a marriage license.Many gay activists are likening the moment to the 1967 Summer of Love,wh
Some couples came from out of state.Unlike Massachusetts,the only other state to legalize gay marriage,California has no residency requirement for a marriage license.Many gay activists are likening the moment to the 1967 Summer of Love,when young people from across the country converged on California in what came to be regarded as the birth of the counterculture.

英语翻译Some couples came from out of state.Unlike Massachusetts,the only other state to legalize gay marriage,California has no residency requirement for a marriage license.Many gay activists are likening the moment to the 1967 Summer of Love,wh
有些同性恋夫妻来自外州,不像马萨诸塞州这一唯一将同性恋婚姻合法化的州,加州定居不需要结婚证,很多同性恋的支持者将这与1967年“爱的夏天”(Summer of Love)运动相比并论,当时全国各地的年轻人汇聚在加州,这一事件被视为反传统文化的诞生.

有些同性恋夫妻来自外州。加州是除马萨诸塞州之外唯一允许同性婚姻的州,但与马萨诸塞州不同的是,在加州定居不需要结婚证。很多同性恋活动家将这与1967年的“爱的夏天”(Summer of Love)运动相比并论,当时全国各地的年轻人汇聚在加州,这一事件被视为反传统文化的诞生。...


有些同性恋夫妻来自外州。加州是除马萨诸塞州之外唯一允许同性婚姻的州,但与马萨诸塞州不同的是,在加州定居不需要结婚证。很多同性恋活动家将这与1967年的“爱的夏天”(Summer of Love)运动相比并论,当时全国各地的年轻人汇聚在加州,这一事件被视为反传统文化的诞生。


有些夫妇来自在外地。 不同于马萨诸塞,唯一合法化同性恋婚姻的其他状态,加利福尼亚没有结婚证书的居住要求。 许多同性恋活动分子比作片刻对1967夏天想爱,当从国家的青年人在什么的加利福尼亚聚合了来被认为反传统文化的诞生。

一些同性恋人从加州外来这,不象马萨诸塞州这唯独另一个(两个中的另一个)将同性恋婚姻合法化的州(说明:在美国只有两个州承认同性婚姻,一个是加州,另个是马萨诸塞州所以句中用the only other state),而加州结婚登记是不要求当地居留户口...


一些同性恋人从加州外来这,不象马萨诸塞州这唯独另一个(两个中的另一个)将同性恋婚姻合法化的州(说明:在美国只有两个州承认同性婚姻,一个是加州,另个是马萨诸塞州所以句中用the only other state),而加州结婚登记是不要求当地居留户口的.许多同性恋者把那个时刻比作1967爱之夏,当时很多年轻人越洋汇聚在加州,这里后来被视为反传统的诞生地.


can l have some sweets?cam l have somecan l have some sweets?cam l have some soup?翻译 英语翻译Japan's productivity has overtaken America's in some manufacturing industries,but elsewhere the United States has clung to its lead.还有一个:For convenience's sake,most couples in America have a joint bank account instead of separat 英语翻译Those people who hold the form opinion believe love can promote students’ study.Besides,there are many romantic love stories,which reveal the couples make progress together after they fall in love.In addition,some experience can be draw 英语翻译anh nap tien cho em cam on nhe 英语翻译anh nap tien cho em cam on nhe 英语翻译a provision denying federal benefits to legally married same-sex couples. Can you give me some advice 同义句 Cam you () () () ()  me? I cam see some bees sleeping in the tree.1天 英语翻译how it is i know not;but there is no place like a bed for confidential disclosures between friends.man and wife,they say,there open the very bottom of their souls to each other;and some old couples often lie and chat over old times till n 英语翻译Some couples came from out of state.Unlike Massachusetts,the only other state to legalize gay marriage,California has no residency requirement for a marriage license.Many gay activists are likening the moment to the 1967 Summer of Love,wh CAM CAE cam是什么意思 cam 是什么意思? cam是什么意思 readnfo cam readnfo cam 英语翻译surrounded by all the new couples,i yearned for mine...这是我自己翻译的,应该不错的。 non-mainstream couples意思