按题意写出与括号同类词1.Tom is Mike's (aunt's) son.Mike is Tom's___2.The mouth has a big (nose) and sharp___.3.(Firefighters) are is the fire station,___are in the post office.二.阅读回答问题Jack is a little mouse.He's very clever.H

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:25:37

按题意写出与括号同类词1.Tom is Mike's (aunt's) son.Mike is Tom's___2.The mouth has a big (nose) and sharp___.3.(Firefighters) are is the fire station,___are in the post office.二.阅读回答问题Jack is a little mouse.He's very clever.H
按题意写出与括号同类词1.Tom is Mike's (aunt's) son.Mike is Tom's___
2.The mouth has a big (nose) and sharp___.
3.(Firefighters) are is the fire station,___are in the post office.
Jack is a little mouse.He's very clever.He lives with his mother in the country-sie.One day,he finds a cheese under a tree.It is a golden cheese.It smells nice.(Jack wants to eat it).But he remembers his mother.She is sick in bed.She hasn't anything to eat for two days.'I can give Mummy this cheese.She must b happy.'Jack goes home and (shares) theese with her.Jack and his mother eat the cheese together.'You are a good mouse,Jack!'Mummy says.Jack and his mother are very happy.
1.The underline work 'shares' means ____.
2.'Jack wants to eat it." means____.
3.The best title of the passage is____.
4.Which of the foollowing sentence is wrong?

按题意写出与括号同类词1.Tom is Mike's (aunt's) son.Mike is Tom's___2.The mouth has a big (nose) and sharp___.3.(Firefighters) are is the fire station,___are in the post office.二.阅读回答问题Jack is a little mouse.He's very clever.H
A little mouse and a cheese.

按题意写出与括号同类词1.Tom is Mike's (aunt's) son.Mike is Tom's___2.The mouth has a big (nose) and sharp___.3.(Firefighters) are is the fire station,___are in the post office.二.阅读回答问题Jack is a little mouse.He's very clever.H 英语单词“her”同类词读句子,写出两个与括号部分同类的单词Is this (her) ruler Danny Yes,it is.————— ————— 英语单词an 的同类词写出与画线部分同类的词,画线的是 anit is an apple 在括号里写出与其他几个不同类的词 A战国 B秦国 C赵国 D韩国 E齐国 根据括号部分的提示,写出同类词1、Apples are often【sweet】but_______lemons are ______. football写出同类词四个, 根据提示写出同类词 读句子,写出同类词 写出4个与括号部分同类的单词或词组.What‘s the matter with (you)? 写出与目不暇接,应接不暇同类的词语 写出括号里的同类词:This is Miss Fang .You can call (her) Susan.That's her boy friendYou can call ( ) Jack .They have a lovely dog .They like ( ) very much .The dog likes to play with ( ) 从每组词中圈出与其他单词不同类的一个1.pen rnler yellow eraser2.this is that it3.dictionary book notebook English4.am his her your5.Tom mary kate Smith 写出括号里的同类词:There are some (shope),a ( ) a( ) ,some ( ),and a ( ) near my home 改句子:1.Tom plays chess with me (three times a week).对括号里提问2.Miss Fang is asking the children now.用every day替代now3.How do you come to school every day?二.读句子,写出与括号里相对应的单词,每格一词What's t 正确抄写:hi does billy go to school on friday peter yes一.写出与括号同类的单词My music teacher is super.He can play the (drum),___and___.2.There is a (kitchen),a___,two___and three__in my flat.二.用括号里单词适当形式填空 在括号里写出每组中与其他几个不同类的词1、台湾 香港 澳门 广州 乌兹别克 ( )2、林冲 杨志 赵云 武松 鲁智深 ( )3、王维 李白 杜甫 白居易 苏轼 ( 选词填空,写出与括号里部分同类的单词,使句子通顺 bedrooms badmintonthe Double Ninth Festival Sunday library bathrooms volleyball Wednesday playground the Mid-autumn FestivalI usually play (football),___and__with my friends (不大读得懂题意)三、在括号里填上恰当的词语,与前边的词搭配.( ) ( ) 1.转移 2.保护 ( ) ( )