
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:19:52


There is nothing more important in between people than trying to show normal respect.
Who don't respect others will not have respect from the others.
Selfhood is a backbone of human and selfesteem can make human lofty.
Each of us is given a right to fight for self esteem and selfhood.
Life is as a piece of blank paper and you can draw anything anyway on it;
or showing off your talents in deep consideration on the paper.
Human consists of states of contradictions so that being alive comes like do writing.
When beautiful words and sentences were full of life page,if that would bring you a satisfactory smile;
To use plain and simple descriptions as recording your inspiration of the life.
To write a carol for others and leave brilliance for self;
to display of personal emothion and to amuse singly and independently;
nothing more normal than sadness and happiness,going through your mood intentionally;
To be a man as simple and transparent as possible.
When you understand all of things,
never be alone even singly in the skyline.

Most important, between people is the basic respect each other. A don't know how to respect other people, is never get respect from others. Personality is the backbone of dignity, a person can make pe...


Most important, between people is the basic respect each other. A don't know how to respect other people, is never get respect from others. Personality is the backbone of dignity, a person can make people noble, everyone have the right to defend their dignity.
Life is like a blank sheet of paper, you can casually in the white paper, also can take a graffiti in mind your talents. People is contradictory unity, alive, like to write an article, when beautiful words fill the whole layout, would bring you satisfied smile, with simple and unadorned light to record all through the narrative. For others to write the moon, for myself, frankly, show feiends enjoyment. XunChangShi say bye, laugh all follow, open, steering clear, when you know in all, one sky never lonely and lonely.


英语翻译内容:人与人之间最重要的,莫过于基本的互相尊重.一个不懂得尊重别人的人,是绝对不会得到别人的尊重的.人格是一个人的脊梁,尊严可以使人高尚,每个人都有权捍卫自己的人格尊 人与人之间的沟通最重要的是什么 人与人之间的交往最重要的是什么如题 英语翻译最重要的人 英语翻译最重要的短语, 英语翻译1.1、马林诺夫斯基(BronislawMalinowski,1884-1942)  马林诺夫斯基(Malinowski)以研究土著文化著称,是“人类学功能学派” 的创始人.他对语言理论最重要的贡献莫过于强调语言的功能,强 英语翻译句子:人与人之间是有差距的. 【英语翻译】“人与人之间的关爱”怎么翻好? 怦然心动的感觉内容是写人与人之间发生的事内容是写人与人之间发生的事让我怦然心动 辩论赛孝敬父母精神最重要的内容 最重要,最关键的内容,是什么词语 雷锋精神中最重要的内容是什么? 什么是在美国独立宣言最重要的内容? 高数最重要的内容是什么? 指最重要,最关键的内容 英语翻译沟通是人际关系中最重要的一部分,它是人与人之间传递情感、态度、事实、信念和想法的过程,所以良好的沟通指的就是一种双向的沟通过程,不是你一个人在发表演说、对牛弹琴,或 英语翻译哀大莫过于心死 英文怎么写 最好是很普遍的翻译句 英语翻译世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗