帮我改错==一道初中练习题All of us want to help the ill man.哪哈儿错了?偶看不出 5555.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:06:32

帮我改错==一道初中练习题All of us want to help the ill man.哪哈儿错了?偶看不出 5555.
All of us want to help the ill man.哪哈儿错了?偶看不出 5555.

帮我改错==一道初中练习题All of us want to help the ill man.哪哈儿错了?偶看不出 5555.
只能用sick man(病人)
He is ill .(英)他生病了.
He is sick .(美)他生病了.
The sick man should be sent to the hospital at once .这病人应立即送医院.
但可以说the sick(病人);不能说:the ill .



All of us want to help the ill.就可以了!

ill不能用来做man 的形容词。只能用sick

All of us want to help the sick man.

帮我改错==一道初中练习题All of us want to help the ill man.哪哈儿错了?偶看不出 5555. 请高手帮我做一道c语言改错题. 一道英语改错题 (误)All of students might make some mistakes 帮我看看一道c语言的练习题,这个c=(a-=a-5),(a=b,b+5);后面的扩号(a=b, 一道仁爱英语初二练习题你能帮我接下女儿吗? Could you help me _____instead of me? ( 接) 谁有关于初中的语法英语练习题?能不能帮我找一百道啊, 初中数学帮我检查一道计算题. 一道初中英语试题It was all about an old box __ __(装满) gold and silver.我这里填filled with可以吗?full of All of they are Chinese改错 all of boys are young pioneers 改错 All of the two children cry.改错! Have all of the children reached改错 一道英语改错Of all the students I made few mistakes in the exam.怎么改?原因. 好人们 能不能帮我做一道短文改错 真的很需要 帮我答一道英语题同义句翻译Kitty is clever to make all kinds of kites.Kitty is ______ _______ ______ she _______ _______ all kinds of kites. The students taking part in the contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music这是一道短文改错题,这一段的错误应该在哪里?请帮我找出来,然后写上正确答案, all the和all of the的区别例如有一题改错:All students are in the classroom.我把“All students”改为“All of the students”,但答案上是改成“All the students”.这两个有什么区别? 初中思想品德练习题一道热爱祖国,振兴中华,(3分)