
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:19:42


i totally understand you are busy right now,me either.
the reason why i bought your product is becuase it is convenient.
since i paid you,you have already watest me so much time.so please do waste time anymore.
and can i have refund now

I fully understand your,I am busy,too.I bought your A for convenience,since I pay for it,you waste my time,so don't waste our time, give me a refund!

仅供参考:I totally understand you. I am busy too. I have never expected to waste so much time and engery on buying AAA from you, ever since I paid you. This is not what I want. As a result, I demand a full refund and stop wasting each other's time.

I totally understand. I think I am also busy somehow. It was for my own convenience that I bought your A, however, you have wasted a considerable huge number of time and enegy of mine since I paid you the money. So, let's save time for both of us. Please return my money.

I totally understand you,I am busy.I buy your A because it‘s convenient .Since I had paid for it,It had wasted a large of my time and energy.So don't waste our time, I want reimburse.

i totally understand you but i am busy too. i bought your A for convenience, but i have wasted a lot of time and energy after paying to you. so we just don't waste time any more. please give me a refund.

I understand you. I'm busy too. I bought it from you for convenience. But since I paid you money, you fritterd away too much time and energy. So, please give me back my money for no more wasting time.

英语翻译一个客服对我说他很忙,然后我对他说:我完全理解你,我也很忙,我是为了方便才买的你们的A,自从付给你们款开始,你们浪费了我大量的时间和精力.所以,不要再浪费大家的时间了,给 他很忙,我很闲他总是很忙,而我总是很闲,我要找他说话,没说一段时间,他就说他很忙,要做研究要工作,然后他就下线,我真不知道他什么时候才能有时间陪我?我们现在不在一个地方. 他说很忙叫我不要打扰他, 我弄不懂他对我说的话,用英语翻译, 我妈妈说他对我的健康有益英语翻译 有时候一个人对你说,我觉得你变了,一个男的说追我,他说因为我以前对他好好,所以他就说才喜欢我的,然后呢过一段时间我没和他到一起玩耍了,然后我去找他玩耍,他就说我变了,我说为什么, 英语翻译一个、朋友对我说的话!他、等着我的回复、好急! 《小摄影师中为什么高尔基对秘书说“请转告他,我很忙.不过,来的如果是个小男孩就一定让他进来.” 英语翻译,我现在还记得当时他对我说:(后面是他说的话) 我对一个女生说,我追求她,她说第二天给我答案,我说如果第二天给我一个莫能两可的答案就是拒绝的的意思!结果第二天她说,他没想好!意思是拒绝我了吗?她对我说她有时很忙,可能没有是时 英语翻译:既然他不是有意对我说刻薄的话,那么我就原谅他吧 英语翻译他说让我忘记他,我想很洒脱的对他说“好,我忘” 我一个女同学老实对我说LC 我问他什么意思他不说. 我昨晚做梦梦到猴子跟我说这个是什么意思在梦里看到一个猴子好像在找什么,我就用哑语告诉他那东西在什么地方,没想到他居然会说话,对我不在意的说什么“阳光银行客服4个8”这是什么 我就对一个好像喜欢我的女生,说了一句“你是不是喜欢XXX”呀 然后他就说我ABC,DBC 我想知道他到底是什么意思呢?我们异地(见过面的,不是网恋),没有确定关系,他经常会对我说些暧昧的话,那次他说很想过来看我,我就让他来,他说爱情和事业矛盾了(他说最近很忙),感觉 他对我说用哪个单词 最近有人说我对他太高冷.