
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:02:03


"In recent years increasing number of medical disputes,but because of the special status between the patient and the difficulty of fault identified,so many patients want to seek legal relief from the regular channels,it is extremely difficult,this paper aims to solve this problem,the medical dispute explore and identify the fault for some of the standard.acts of negligence of medical doctors violated the obligation of the note.This behavior on the fault of its related medical issues,and recognized standards of the concepts discussed,combined with China,Japan and the U.S.case for analysis.identification of medical negligence actions are abstract standards and specific standards,which in addition to reference the abstract standard of medical standards,should consider specific factors,regional factors and factors of emergency; this article and from doctors and special attention to the general duty of care obligations both detail of the identified specific standards of medical negligence actions,combined with the famous Hand Formula to be demonstrated.Meanwhile,in order to prevent acts of defensive medicine against the development of medicine,the article adds some help doctors to balance the patient side of the principle of inter- rights and obligations "

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"In recent years, an increasing number of medical disputes, but due to the particularity of doctor-patient status and negligence of difficulty, many patients from the normal way to seek legal remedy i...


"In recent years, an increasing number of medical disputes, but due to the particularity of doctor-patient status and negligence of difficulty, many patients from the normal way to seek legal remedy is very difficult to solve this problem, this paper aims to explore the fault that medical disputes and seek some standards. Medical doctors to act fault is attentive obligation violated. This behavior and the related problems of medical negligence concept and determination standards were discussed, and the Chinese, Japanese and American cases were analyzed. The fault of medical behavior is abstract and concrete standard, including standard reference standard medical level of abstraction, but should also be considered, regional factors and special paper and emergency factors; and from the doctor's general attention obligations and special attention from two aspects of the obligation that discusses in detail the specific standard of medical treatment fault behavior, and the han's famous formula demonstrated. At the same time, in order to prevent the defensive behavior and harm of medical treatment, the development of hospital to add some principles of balance between rights and obligations in doctor-patient relationship."


英语翻译“近年来医疗纠纷日趋增多,但由于医患之间地位的特殊性和过失认定的困难性,使得很多患者想从正规途径寻求法律救济显得十分困难,本文旨在解决此问题,对医疗纠纷中的过失认定 近年来医疗纠纷发生和增长的原因 一道科学题,近年来,由于环境污染的日趋严重,我省沿海海域频繁发生赤潮,给渔业生产造成了严重影响.与此相反,在同样纬度的太平洋中心区域,藻类等浮游植物却十分稀少,被喻为太平洋中的 英语翻译说明:运动会延期举行,写一份通知.学校原定于明天举行体育运动会,但由于近年来一直下雨不得不推迟举行.今天的日期是2007年9月15日 请教高人帮忙英语翻译一段话 谢谢了 ^ ^能不能帮我翻译一段话捏?用于论文的,谢谢了~~需要翻译的内容如下:近年来,我国商业银行的信用卡业务发展速度越来越迅猛.但由于我国的信用卡业 英语翻译最近在写毕业论文,摘要要求要翻译成英文的,而本人的英语水平实在是不堪入目,而化学英语翻译更是一窍不通,近年来,环境污染越来越被人们所关注,水污染问题更是日趋严重.利用TiO 近年来,全球气温变暖,原因是大气中的_______增多. 英语翻译近年来,高校毕业生逐年增加,大学毕业生就业压力开始显现,整个社会就业形势日趋严峻。随着我国C2C电子商务的模式的迅速发展,一股自主创业的激情正在中国高校自由萌芽, 英语翻译近年来,随着经济的飞速发展,环境的污染日趋严重,企业社会责任在世界范围内越来越受关注,它已成为在学术界引起广泛关注的问题. 英语翻译近年来,随着企业之间的竞争日趋激烈,国际化和经济全球化的加速,产品逐渐向更新换代较快的特点发展,在这种情况下,对企业研发活对于企业的可持续发展就变得尤为重要.本文正是 英语翻译近年来,随着经济建设的快速发展,人们生活水平的提高,能源问题日趋紧张.本文仅对福建省工业企业单位能源消耗变化趋势进行统计分析,并结合实际情况,对今后工业企业能源的消耗 英语翻译中国现正朝向工业化、城市化、现代化方向发展,家庭养老功能日趋减弱,伴随国民经济快速发展城镇人口逐渐增多,农村老年人口数量远远多于城镇老年人口数量,如此一来农村老年人 法国人口老龄化的原因近年来法国人口老龄化日趋严重,麻烦讲下原因 试分析我国北方近年来冬春季节旱情日趋严重的自然和人为原因 医疗纠纷产生的原因 医疗纠纷用英语怎么说? 英语翻译谈利用未成年人行乞的法律责任和解决措施近年来,在我国不少大中城市出现了很多未成年人跪地行乞的现象.在这些行乞的未成年人中,有些是由于家庭经济条件的限制,但相当一部分 英语翻译近年来,随着改革开放的不断深入,市场经济的转型,社会利益格局的调整,新问题、新矛盾不断增多,群体性事件呈上升趋势,成为影响构建社会主义和谐社会的突出问题,成为各级党政