
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 22:05:49


例如:He came late,which made the teacher angry.他来晚了,这使老师很生气.(which引导非限定性定语从句,在从句中做主语).That is the pencil which I lost yesterday.那就是我昨天丢失的铅笔.(which引导限定性定语从句,在从句中做宾语,which可以省略).但关系代词which指人的用法并不多见,现将其用法归纳如下:\x0d众所周知,当先行词是人时,关系代词一般用who或者that.但是在下列六种情况下,当先行词是人时,定语从句可用关系代词which,而不用who来引导,但可用关系代词that.\x0d1)如果先行词是婴儿或小孩时.例如:\x0dI like the child which is lying in the cradle.我喜欢躺在摇篮的婴儿.\x0dThe baby which was born the day before yesterday died this morning.昨天出生的婴儿今天早晨死了.\x0d2)强调人的性格时.例如:\x0dMy teacher is different from the woman which I thought her to be.我老师不是我曾认为的那种人.\x0dWhen I came here ,I found that she was not the woman which she had been.当我到这儿时,我发现她不是像过去那个老样子.\x0d3)强调职业.例如:\x0dWhen she came here,she became a teacher,which her father wanted her to be.她来这儿时,她当了教师.这是她父亲希望她从事的职业.\x0dMy brother is a lawyer,which is respectable.我的弟弟是个作家,作家是受人尊敬的.\x0dWhen the police came ,he pretended to be the manager which did harm to him.当警察来时,他装成经理的样子,这可把他的害苦了.\x0d4)强调品德素质时.例如:\x0dMy math teacher is a gentleman which my English teacher isn't.我的数学老师很有君子风度,我的英语老师却没有.\x0d5)强调身份和地位时.例如:\x0dShe told the stories like a writer which she rarely was.她讲起故事来像个学者,可她根本就不是.\x0d6)如果集体名词被看作一个整体时.例如:\x0dAs a Chinese,you should take a great pride in the Chinese people which has a long history,a rich culture and glorious revolutionary tradition.作为一个中国人,你应该为中国人民感到骄傲自豪.这是个有悠久历史、灿烂文化和光荣传统的民族.