12 terrestrial branch是12生肖的意思吗?thx

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12 terrestrial branch是12生肖的意思吗?thx
12 terrestrial branch是12生肖的意思吗?thx

12 terrestrial branch是12生肖的意思吗?thx
不是,12 Terrestrial Branches 是12地支的意思,分别对应12种动物,也就是我们说的生肖!
Terrestrial Branch 地支 correspondence Animal 对应动物
Zi 子 —— Rat 鼠
Chou 丑 —— Ox 牛
Yin 寅 —— Tiger 虎
Mao 卯 —— Rabbit 兔
Chen 辰 —— Dragon 龙
Si 巳 —— Snake 蛇
Wu 午 —— Horse 马
Wei 未 —— Sheep 羊
Shen 申 —— Monkey 猴
You 酉 —— Rooster 鸡
Xu 戌 —— Dog 狗
Hai 亥 —— Pig 猪
12生肖的正确说法是Chinese Zodiac

12 terrestrial branch

12 terrestrial branch是12生肖的意思吗?thx Extra-Terrestrial怎么读? Extra terrestrial Biological Entities 歌词 alien和extra-terrestrial的区别 extra-terrestrial需要连字符吗? terrestrial occurrence 关于同位素方面的术语. ET THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL 20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION怎么样 terrestrial这个词什么意思?如何猜此词义及相应背法 科幻E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial有吗,可加分dieyun4749er@qq.com The global net terrestrial carbon sink was estimated 这句话怎么翻译! 关于单词简称问题E.T = the Extra-Terrestrial在英语中还有哪些类似这样的简称 英语翻译The senior managers reviewed your request to take your team to the “Teambuilding International ” conference in Hawaii on December 1stWe appreciate your interest in building good working relationships within our office and in our branc 英语翻译Some have argued that the greater production of plant litter under elevated CO2 (eCO2),especially woody detritus,could act as a governor on the CO2 enhancement of forest NPP by negatively impacting the terrestrial N cycle .Under such scen 英语翻译Abstract.In the terrestrial slug,Limax maximus,feed-ing activity and cardiovascular function have been shown to be correlated.For example,in intact animals,both feeding responsiveness and heart activity are suppressed during dehydration ( 英语翻译When he has to leave,it is not for the Promised land on the terrestrial horizon,but for another world altogether along the vertical,religious axis of his imagination. 英语翻译:mMoondwellers will be able to fly in space atonly three per cent of the cost ofsimilar journeys by their terrestrial cousins.这句话里最后那个 by 是什么作用 ?为何用by,其它介词能用吗? 英语翻译plants are,with insects,one of the few major groups of organisms to evolve entriely on land.Insects and plants coveolved conquering terrestrial enviroments,insects forming a key link in the reproduction of many of the flowering plants tha 英语翻译In 1992,the Implementing Regulation on Terrestrial Wild Animal Conservation was issued by the State Council which was formulated according to the Wild Animal Conservation Law of PRC.This regulation has seven chapters and 46 Articles which