几道九年级英语题,谢谢解答1 They think Mary is ------(possible) right2 什么情况下单词的复数加es简单说举例说,谢谢3 其余的工人来自农村 --the-- ---rest-- ----of- the workers---are-- from countryside.请

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 18:43:47

几道九年级英语题,谢谢解答1 They think Mary is ------(possible) right2 什么情况下单词的复数加es简单说举例说,谢谢3 其余的工人来自农村 --the-- ---rest-- ----of- the workers---are-- from countryside.请
1 They think Mary is ------(possible) right
2 什么情况下单词的复数加es简单说举例说,谢谢
3 其余的工人来自农村 --the-- ---rest-- ----of- the workers---are-- from countryside.
请问 are from 可以换成 come from吗,两者有用法的区别吗
4 think about 和think of有区别吗
5 when 和while的用法,举例

几道九年级英语题,谢谢解答1 They think Mary is ------(possible) right2 什么情况下单词的复数加es简单说举例说,谢谢3 其余的工人来自农村 --the-- ---rest-- ----of- the workers---are-- from countryside.请
1 possibly
2 以 s ,x ,ch sh 结尾的名词变复数时加es ,另外有些有生命的以O结尾的名词的复数也是加es
3 可以( be from = come from 来自,没有区别)
4 think about 考虑
think of 想起
5 两个引导的的时时间状语从句
while +进行时; 当一个动作正在进行时另一个动作发生了.
WHEN 前后时态要一致; 或主将从现;当一个动作发生时另一个动作正在进行
如 He is reading newspaper while she is cooking .
The bell rang while he was doing his homeork.
He could read when he was three years old .
I will tell you when he comes back .
The students were talking when the teacher came in .