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1.Travel alone or travel with a companion
When it comes to a traveling way, different people will offer different opinions.
Some people like to travel alone, while others prefer to travel with a companion. Of course every one has different considerations for his preference. Traveling alone one can enjoy more freedom. The traveler can arrange his tour as he wishes. Without the trouble of compromising with others. Morever, traveling alone tends to bring the traveler unexpected surprises, such as making a new friend and enjoying different scenery.
Compared with traveling alone, traveling with a companion has also its advantages. For one thing the group members can help and look after each other on the journey. For another traveling with others who have the same interest as you, you can share experiences and pleasure with them.
As for me, I prefer to travel with a companion. Firstly, we can together deal with the possible problems and difficulties on the journey. Secondly, I like to share the experience of traveling with others. In summary, both traveling alone and traveling with a companion have their own attractions and you can enjoy the pleasure of traveling from either one.
2.How To Deal With Depression
In recent years,more and more people have suffered from depression.With the increasingly fierce competition,more and more people are bearing great pressure from study,work and life.Under great pressure, many people begin to become sad,hopeless and finally suffer from depression.
Depression has brought great bad influence on one'study, work and life.In fact,depression affects not only one's mind but also his body. Those with severe depression even unable to continue their work or carry out normal activities of depression. The symptoms mainly include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, not wanting food and trouble sleeping.Besides, depression is linked to many other diseases, like heart disease, What's worse, deprssion is one of the main courses of people's suicide.
Considering the bad effects of depression, it must be taken more seriously. For those patients with depression, first of all ,it is important to accept treatment timely instead of covering or ignoring the disease. Besides,people shuold learn to release pressure and keep a pleasant mood. Actually,the best treatment is a combination of medication and psychological help.Only in this way can people reduce the chance of suffering from depression.
3.A complaint letter to one neighbour
Auguest 14th,2008.
Dear Mr. John ,
I'm one of your neighbours.And I'm now writing and behave of the resident 's association to complain about your making noises.You disterb others' normal lifes.
Since you moved in the building three months ago we have received many complaints about your bad behaviors. According to the complaints you have shown very little consideration for the other residents of the building.For example ,you often turned on the music very loudly till late.Furthermore every weekend your extremely noisey partys last until the early hours of the next morning so that other residents can not have a good rest.Much words though some residents have talked to you about the noise you made your behavior has no improvement.
A harmony community's life needs every resident's effert.Of course you are no exception.We hope you can realise and stop your improper behavior as soon as possible.Unless you do something to improve the present situation,we will have no other choice but to take legal action.
Your's sincerely
4.a witness of a theft incident
Yesterday I witnessed a theft incident on my way home.The thelf was so that it left me a very deep impression...It was in the rush hour when many people would buy tickets the subway station.A woman took her purse out and pay for the ticket and then she put her purse back into her bag and turn to leave when a middle aged man rushed pass her muttering:"excuse me ", she didn't feel unusual and went into station indeed her purse had been stolen by that man. To our surprise the thelf seems not to be nervous at all and even began to look others up and down. Maybe he was searching for the next target.At that time,some persons including me witnessed the process but unfortunately no one dared to warn that woman.
This incident makes me ashamed and leave me a deep thought:the pickpocket has posed a great threat to residents and visitors' property safety. Undoutedly, it is a urgent thing to take action to prevent pickpocket .However, it cannot dependent on the police only ,instead it needs our common efforts .We connot shut our eyes and mouths to the pickpocket anymore .It should be kept in our minds that our forces are far beyond these thelves.
5.Learn to give up wisely
Never give up has been accepted by many people as a positive life attitude. Admittly persistence often plays an important role in one success. However,in many cases to give up might be wiser than to persist blindly. The following reasons can support this argument.
Firstly,sometimes our goal may be unrealistic. If we insist on it blindly, it will finally bring us nothing but failure. At this time,what we should do is give up the orignal goal and reset a more pratical one.
Secondly,not all persistence can bring deserving results. For a very simple example if we keep waiting in line for hours, only to have a luncheon restaurant may be it is unwise.
Finally, to give up wisely does not mean admitting failure. Instead,it does mean a new hope of success.
Considering the above mentioned, we can come to the conclusion that to give up wisely is a kind of more mature life attitude. Though giving up sometimes is painful and costly,in the long run what we gain will definitely far out weight what we lose.
It is not unusual for people to be subject to criticism. Anyone may be criticised by others in his work or study. For example: workers who fail to accomplish their tasks will be criticised. Students who have poor performance in exams will be criticised.
Attitudes towards criticism differ from person to person. Some people will become annoyed if they are criticised and they will try to excuse themselves by all means. Some people tend to be indifferent criticism. They just regard criticism as nonsenses. But still some people accept criticism modestly and try to find their shortcomings by other's criticism. These people stand a better chance of success in their life.
As to me, I welcome other's criticism to me. I have always believed the Chinese saying,"Good medicine but taste bitter will heal one's illness". In my opinion, the criticism will make us unhappy. It can help us know our shortcomings and inadequacy. Therefore,we should take other's criticism seriously, instead being annoyed with or turning a deaf ear to it.
7.parents making decisions for their children
In morden society,traditonal patriarchy is still influencing Chinese parents.They tend to make almost all decisions for their children,from choosing school to picking up a profession and to deciding whom they are to marry.Sometimes even those detail things such as clothing and daily timetables have to be decided by parents.However,deciding everthing for children does not help them but harm them in many ways.
On the one hand,it will make children lack independence and initiative,which is unfavourable to their development in the long run.On the other hand,in many cases parents' decisions are not always in accordance with children' personal ideas and interests,this will make children form resistence and naturely influence their growth.
From my piont of view,it is unwise for parents to make every decision for their children.It is obvious that parents can not accompany their children for ever.To grow to be indepent is a nature way for everbody.Therefore, in my opinion parents should give their children chances to make their own decisions .They may help their children make choices instead of replacing them to make choices.
8.Young People Should Have Ideals
What are you going to do when you grow up? When I was a child, people often asked me this question about the ideal. Undoubtedly, every individual, especially a young person, should have an ideal. Hardly can we find any great people we know ideal when they were young.
An ideal is a vital importance to one's growth and success. On the one hand, an ideal is the target of one's life. Once you decide what your ideal is, you know where to go, and which way to take. Otherwise, you might become puzzled in many things in your life. On the other hand, an ideal is like the engine of vehicles. Only when we have our own ideals, can we find the origin of energy and enthusiasm in life, and become active and perseverant. Whatever your ideal is, careful plan and preparation is vital to its realization. Of course, the path from where you are to where you want to get is not always smooth and straight. Therefore, an optimistic, positive mind is indispensable in the process of your persevering your ideal.
In a word, only if you have an ideal, you will have the chance of realizing it.
9.The Moonlight Clan
Nowadays, more and more people, especially the young are joining in the army of “the moonlight clan”. These people exhaust their earnings every month without any savings. Many people think this is a fashionable life style, while more other people object to this kind of consumption style.
Those who support “the moonlight clan” think that those people know how to enjoy life and have a higher life quality. However, more other people criticize “the moonlight clan”. They say that the consumption habit of “the moonlight clan” is unhealthy and sometimes wasteful. In addition, no savings will place “the moonlight clan” in a difficult position in case of unexpected expenses.
Weighing these two arguments, I prefer to the latter one. In my eyes, though “the moonlight clan” may acquire temporary satisfaction from their consumption, in the long term, it is unfavorable to their family and career. Just as a proverb says, one should always prepare for a rainy day.

10.Learn to Be Grateful
Nowadays, quite a few college students lack conciousness of being grateful. They turn to take such things for granted, as parents supporting them, teachers helping them, and waiters serving them. They are even mean to say "Thank you" to others. This phenomenon has caused great attention from the whole society.
The following reasons can account for the lack of gratefulness conciousness. First of all, unsound family education plays an important role. Many parents turn to pay too much attention to children's academic performance, but ignore their value orientation. Moreover, schools don't input enough time and money in moral education. Besides, nowadays, college students get so much love that they are insenstive to others' care and help.
Considering the seriousness of the problem, it is high time to take effective measures to strengthen college students conciousness of being grateful. First, parents should improve self-quality and influence children by their own behaviors. Second, our society and schools must increase input in moral education, and try to build the atmosphere of being grateful. Finally, we college students should learn to express our gratefulness to people around us, just beginning from the simple "Thank you".