有关group by报错,not a GOUP BY expression这条就会报错select acmratt.brcode,sum(acmratt.tdccramt)from acmratt group by 1但是,改成select acmratt.brcode,sum(acmratt.tdccramt)from acmratt group by acmratt.brcode就可以过…… 这是为

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:53:17

有关group by报错,not a GOUP BY expression这条就会报错select acmratt.brcode,sum(acmratt.tdccramt)from acmratt group by 1但是,改成select acmratt.brcode,sum(acmratt.tdccramt)from acmratt group by acmratt.brcode就可以过…… 这是为
有关group by报错,not a GOUP BY expression
select acmratt.brcode,sum(acmratt.tdccramt)from acmratt group by 1
select acmratt.brcode,sum(acmratt.tdccramt)from acmratt group by acmratt.brcode
就可以过…… 这是为什么,记得是可以用1来指代第一列的啊

有关group by报错,not a GOUP BY expression这条就会报错select acmratt.brcode,sum(acmratt.tdccramt)from acmratt group by 1但是,改成select acmratt.brcode,sum(acmratt.tdccramt)from acmratt group by acmratt.brcode就可以过…… 这是为
用 1 是指在查询语句中 第一个列 这种用法限定在查询语句中列的概念 sum 做为聚合函数 使用在分组中计算分组后的和 是不可以使用 1 这种方式的

有关group by报错,not a GOUP BY expression这条就会报错select acmratt.brcode,sum(acmratt.tdccramt)from acmratt group by 1但是,改成select acmratt.brcode,sum(acmratt.tdccramt)from acmratt group by acmratt.brcode就可以过…… 这是为 select r.role_name,p.privil_name from t_uums_base_role r,t_uums_base_role_privil rp,报这个错not a group by expression 急在线等···· 后边还有t_uums_base_privil p where r.role_id = rp.role_id and rp.privil_id = p.privil_id group by r.rol SQL语句select * from 表名 group by 列名--不是 GROUP BY 表达式RTselect * from 表名 group by 列名----- 报错 ORA-00979:不是 GROUP BY 表达式数据库:oracle10g* 换成 列名也不行 GROUP BY ROLLUP (A,B,C) HAVING A IS NOT NULL AND D NOT ORCAL 查询报错:“not a single-group group function ”SELECT NC56.BD_COSTSUBJ.COSTNAME,NC56.BD_COSTSUBJ.COSTCODE,NC56.BD_CORP.UNITNAME,SUM(ARAP_DJFB.DFYBJE+ ARAP_DJFB.JFYBJE) AS BYSH ,ARAP_DJZB.SHRQ,To_Number(SubStr(ARAP_DJZB.SHRQ ,1 ,4)),To_N SQL2005 报错 在关键字'group' 附近有语法错误select a,b,sum(x) from (select a,b,'1' as x from aaaunion allselect a,b,'-1' as x from bbb)group by a,b改成下面这样还是同样报错:select a,b,sum(x) from (select a,b,'1' as x from aaa GROUP BY ROLLUP (A,B,C) HAVING A IS NOT NULL AND D NOT NULL是什么意思啊 哪位高手知道? why not ( )English by working with a group .a .study b.to study c.studying d.studies by working with a group是什么意思. group by(A+B)和group by A,B 的区别? group by group的意思 MySql报错:You can't specify target table 'table name' for update in FROM clause在Mysql下执行:delete from blur_article where id not in(select min(id) from blur_article group by title)用途是去重复标题,但是却报错!#1093 - You can't 英文 克漏子 cloze test 1下面这5题的答案?In England,six or eight wine glasses used (26) by each person's plate (27) a dinner party,and they were used,not left (28) and empty; today there are but three or four in the group,and the average g i always study by (work) with a group 英语翻译I study by working with a group 翻译:I study by working with a group. Li fang is being interviewed by a group of interviewes 英语翻译I learn by _______ _________ a group.