
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 19:40:47


Every time I get home,someone always asks me:" Hey,Hal,why do you go to war all the time?Is it because you like it?" I don't really know how to answer this,so I just give them a smile.Now I am facing the cruelty of battles,the only thing I do know is that my brothers are still on the battle fields.

every time when i return home, people always ask me: hey, Hao, why do you choose to flight in war? do you like that?
i dont know what to say or how i should reply, so i just smile and say nothing. i have to face to face with the cruelty of war, because i know my brothers are still there, on the battlefield!

` 翻译成什么啊

Whenever I go back, there is always the same enquiry: Hey, Hao, why do you always go and fight? Do you actually like it?! I, not knowing how to reply, merely smile back. Now, faced with the cruelness of war, I only know that my brothers and sisters are still out there, in the battle fields!

People always asked me when I returned home,"Hey, Hao, why do you go to war? Do you like that?!" I didn't know how to answer, so I just smiled. Now I face the cruelty of war; I only know that all my brothers are still in the battlefield!

Every time when I went home,people always asked me, "Hey,Hao!Why must you go to war? Is it because you like that? " I didn't know how to reply, just smiling. Now I face up to the brutality of the war, and I only know my brothers are still on the battlefield.

Every time I come back home,somebody will ask me"hey!Hao,why are you always want to fight?Are you militant?!I don't know how to give him an answer,so I just smile.Confronting the brutalness of war,the only thing on my mind is my brothers are still hand in hand on the battlefield."

Every time when I get home,some people always ask me"hi,hao,why do go to battle?as you like it?I do't know how to answer,just smile.I face the cruelty of the battle,I just konw that my brothers are still on the battlefield.

简单的翻译,问题如下每次回家总有人问我:嘿,豪,你为什么总要去打战?因为你喜欢那样吗?!我不知道怎么回答,只好笑笑.现在我面对战争的残酷,我只知道我的兄弟们还在战场上! 为什么天是蓝的这么简单的问题也有人问 英语翻译168个小时的相恋 或者爱恋 该怎么翻译呢?总不能这样 168 hours's love 168 hours' affection?这样是不是简单了点?有高手来给翻译下没 有点深意的最好 其他语言也行 为什么每次问个问题都只 为什么我总把简单问题想的复杂化呢? 为啥我每次提的问题都没有人回答我呢? 对于你的问题我给出如下建议 翻译 英语翻译他总拒绝别人的帮助,他只对他住的那区域熟悉,但是每次聚会后他说什么也不肯让我们送他回家,他只让我们告诉他他回家的方向,应该在哪里坐出租车.我每晚都会发短信问他第二天 为什么我问的问题没有人回答 有人吗?怎么我问的问题没人回? 想问一些很简单的问题!请加我! 我怎么发现问的问题都那么简单啊? 如何增长自己的见识我觉得自己的见识太少,每次和别人聊天的时候,别人问我问题,甚至是一些简单的常识,唉,我该怎么办呢?如何才能增长我的见识呢? 我问数学题的时候总有人用²这些符号回答我, 简单的问题,求翻译! 英语翻译每次回家,都觉得她又老了些,白发多了,眼睛愈加浑浊了.偶尔捡些陈芝麻烂谷子的琐事说说,我听得无趣,她也说得索然.于是沉默着,相对无言.她总问我,吃什么呢?然后自言自语,还是吃 翻译“在我回家的路上” 亲们,我的问题如下: 我的问题这么简单怎么没有人能回答了啊?