英语翻译几多年前 你跨过了香江越过了大洋孤身一人置换了星空你赤手空拳 嗷 三招五式击打得五洲震荡 四海翻腾 四海翻腾 四海翻腾把中国功夫挂上了世界 这块荧屏让宇宙在友谊 正直 诚

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:16:24

英语翻译几多年前 你跨过了香江越过了大洋孤身一人置换了星空你赤手空拳 嗷 三招五式击打得五洲震荡 四海翻腾 四海翻腾 四海翻腾把中国功夫挂上了世界 这块荧屏让宇宙在友谊 正直 诚
几多年前 你跨过了香江越过了大洋
你赤手空拳 嗷 三招五式
击打得五洲震荡 四海翻腾 四海翻腾 四海翻腾
把中国功夫挂上了世界 这块荧屏
让宇宙在友谊 正直 诚实中感动
硬邦邦的拳头 拳头

英语翻译几多年前 你跨过了香江越过了大洋孤身一人置换了星空你赤手空拳 嗷 三招五式击打得五洲震荡 四海翻腾 四海翻腾 四海翻腾把中国功夫挂上了世界 这块荧屏让宇宙在友谊 正直 诚
More than several years ago you bridged over the fragrant river to cross ocean
all alone to replace the starry sky
you the unarmed ao three moves of five types
to strike play the five continents shake great-hearted tuck dive great-hearted tuck dive great-hearted tuck dive
to hang up the Chinese time world this screen
to let the universe honest be moved honestly in the friendship
remember his strange roar
remember his fist
remember his strange roar
remember he fist
very hard fist fist
Li Xiaolong

How years ago in Hong Kong you crossed over the ocean
Replacement of the sky alone
You empty-handed five-style sound of wailing Tips
China shocks the world beating a universal somersaul...


How years ago in Hong Kong you crossed over the ocean
Replacement of the sky alone
You empty-handed five-style sound of wailing Tips
China shocks the world beating a universal somersault somersault somersault Sihai
Chinese Kung Fu to put the world on this screen
Let the universe of integrity, honesty and friendship touched
Remember his howl

Remember his Fists
Remember his howl
Remember his Fists
Fists Fists of very stiff
Bruce Lee ...


More than several years ago you bridged over Hong Kong to cross ocean all alone to replace starry sky you unarmed ao 正确three move of five type to stroke the five continents shake great-heart...


More than several years ago you bridged over Hong Kong to cross ocean all alone to replace starry sky you unarmed ao 正确three move of five type to stroke the five continents shake great-hearted tuck dive great-hearted tuck dive great-hearted to seethe to hang up the Chinese time world this screen to let the universe honest honest be moved in the friendship to remember he strangely roar to remember his fist remember he roar to remember strangely he fist very hard fist fist Li Xiaolong…


More than several years ago you bridged over Hong Kong to cross ocean all alone to replace starry sky you unarmed ao three move of five type to stroke the five continents to shake four sea tuck dive f...


More than several years ago you bridged over Hong Kong to cross ocean all alone to replace starry sky you unarmed ao three move of five type to stroke the five continents to shake four sea tuck dive four sea tuck dive four seas to seethe to hang up the Chinese time world this screen to let the universe honest honest be moved in the friendship to remember he strangely roar to remember his fist remember he roar to remember strangely he fist very hard fist fist Li bruce lee…


英语翻译几多年前 你跨过了香江越过了大洋孤身一人置换了星空你赤手空拳 嗷 三招五式击打得五洲震荡 四海翻腾 四海翻腾 四海翻腾把中国功夫挂上了世界 这块荧屏让宇宙在友谊 正直 诚 雨过天晴,天边出现了一条彩虹,好像一座(),越过几座山,跨过几条河 1.越过高山,越过平原,跨过奔腾的黄河长江; 宽广美丽的土地,是我们亲爱的家乡.英雄的人民站起来了!我们1.越过高山,越过平原,跨过奔腾的黄河长江;宽广美丽的土地,是我们亲爱的家乡.英雄的 英语翻译能翻译成“男孩越过了终点”吗? 越过你的视线.我定了勇气的终点? 我国跨过了几个时区? - -越过了你画的线、我定了勇气的终点. 越过高山越过平原,跨过奔腾的黄河长江 啥歌 求英语作文关于写长城的假定你8月8日去参观了长城回来写一篇日记 1 长城在汉语中叫万里长城 实际上只有六千多千米长 它从西到东 穿过沙漠 越过高山,跨过深谷 蜿蜒而行 最后到达海边 是 尽力而为就好.这一点引起你那些联想和思考?请自拟题目,写一篇不少于600字的议论文.镜头一:运动场上.“跳高健将”王山纵身一跃,跨过了1.5米的横竿;小个子李川连跳三次,也没能越过1.2米 香江野生动物园里动物的名称香江野生动物园里有许多动物,但是.他们的名字忘了七七八八了.(虽然.最近才去过一次.)所以. 英语翻译他们是越过了一条结冰的河流进入黎巴嫩,当地边境线可能不十分明确 英语翻译2.甲:一万年前是我把你打败的,如今我一样会 乙:我可不会再像一万年前一样了 你们昨天去了哪里?我在香江动物园看白老虎?(翻译英文) 一次秋游作文,不可抄袭!我星期五去了香江野生动物园,请问开头结尾怎么写? 英语翻译是时候死心了 当你沉默得高调 当我历劫低潮 为何尚要打扰 过几多通宵 至肯醒来才愿意退烧 爱不了 却偏走不了 没救了 我跨过困难 作文遇到了什么困难,你是如何跨过的,结尾感悟 .要实际一点的,不要什么音乐会,如果好的话, 赤道穿越了哪些大洋