有关电影的知识,final-cut independence是啥意思呢?原文是Their distinctive style has brought plaudits,two Oscars for Fargo (their most successful film) and a final-cut independence that is the envy of Hollywood.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 05:38:50

有关电影的知识,final-cut independence是啥意思呢?原文是Their distinctive style has brought plaudits,two Oscars for Fargo (their most successful film) and a final-cut independence that is the envy of Hollywood.
有关电影的知识,final-cut independence是啥意思呢?
原文是Their distinctive style has brought plaudits,two Oscars for Fargo (their most successful film) and a final-cut independence that is the envy of Hollywood.

有关电影的知识,final-cut independence是啥意思呢?原文是Their distinctive style has brought plaudits,two Oscars for Fargo (their most successful film) and a final-cut independence that is the envy of Hollywood.
final-cut 精剪后的片子