BLA是什么在论文翻译中出现BLA system 原文如下:This beam motion has also been correlated withoscillatory beam loss data from the BLA system that occurs at the same frequencyThis beam motion has also been correlated with oscillatory bea

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:27:30

BLA是什么在论文翻译中出现BLA system 原文如下:This beam motion has also been correlated withoscillatory beam loss data from the BLA system that occurs at the same frequencyThis beam motion has also been correlated with oscillatory bea
在论文翻译中出现BLA system 原文如下:
This beam motion has also been correlated withoscillatory beam loss data from the BLA system that occurs at the same frequency
This beam motion has also been correlated with oscillatory beam loss data from the BLA system that occurs at the same frequency 全句翻译就更谢谢了

BLA是什么在论文翻译中出现BLA system 原文如下:This beam motion has also been correlated withoscillatory beam loss data from the BLA system that occurs at the same frequencyThis beam motion has also been correlated with oscillatory bea
BLA:Base Level Assessment 基数电平评估
Best Linear Approximation 最佳线性逼近
Baseline Agreement 基准线协议

BLA是什么在论文翻译中出现BLA system 原文如下:This beam motion has also been correlated withoscillatory beam loss data from the BLA system that occurs at the same frequencyThis beam motion has also been correlated with oscillatory bea 有时候看到有的英文句子中出现ba bla bla,这里出现的ba bla BLA-BLA-BLA这是什么意识阿 怎么不行 英语“等等”“...”有个bla bla bla是什么单词?不是ETC AND SO ON~ 真爱如血bla bla vampire emergency bla 铃声 求真爱如血bla bla vampire emergency bla 铃声 求真爱如血bla bla vampire emergency bla 铃声 英语怎么说某某某一般在.我们说某某某...英语口语中我们说bla? BLA的意思是什么凯军的主场听到的 英语老外写得这个邮件啥意思?No need to send 100 e mails and bla bla bla 英语口语中的bla bla 是不是一些类似中文里面的 呢,之类的辅助词啊 argue在这句话里是什么意思I'd like to argue that this topic ,regarding both views above,should be put into a broader framework of questions.这句话里边I'd like to argue是争论,还是认为,还是支持还是bla~bla~bla~求权威解答, 求欧美单曲歌名 念作“bla bla bla” 十二个字母 三个相同的单词,中文译为“某”或“什么”的 求真爱如血 bla bla vampire emergency bla的铃声 pam讲的这一段~有的发到我邮箱 bla(ck)写出括号部分发音相同的单词,越多越好 BLA啥米意思?...无意发现的..很感兴趣..问问 条件概率 一家有2个小孩 有一个是女孩 求另一个是男孩的概率 用条件概率的公式P(BlA)=P(AB)/P(A)说明一下A是什么和B是什么 义卖,用英语怎么解释? that jumble sale is an activity that (bla...bla...?)?急~~~~谢谢各位~~~.好吧,我想表达的是:义卖是一场充满爱心、给贫困的孩子们上学机会的活动。再次感谢~~~~