
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 15:49:56


I think that the American culture and their education has more benefits to kids in making them more independent and providing them with better social skills.
2.So there tends to be a generation gap between kids and parents.But generation gap can be smoothed.

1, I think the United States education for children's culture and have many benefits, can make them more independent, easy to communicate with people.
2, therefore the children and their parents between easy to produce the generation gap. But the generation gap is also can be resolved.

i think the American culture and education have more benefits for children, can make them more independent, easy to communicate with people.
Between children and parents so prone to the generation gap. But the gap also can be reconciled.

my teacher are old !这句话显然不对吧!那答案就出来了呀!单数名词只能用is

1) I think the culture and education in America is more beneficial for the children as they make them more independent, and makes it easier for them to communicate with others.
2) Thus it is easy ...


1) I think the culture and education in America is more beneficial for the children as they make them more independent, and makes it easier for them to communicate with others.
2) Thus it is easy for generation gap to emerge between the children and the parents.However,the problem of generation gap can be solved too.


英语翻译翻译这两句话:1、我认为美国的文化和教育对孩子有更多的好处,可以使他们更独立,容易与人交流.2、因此孩子和家长之间容易产生代沟.但是代沟也是可以化解的. 英语翻译实在不好意思因为这些事情麻烦你 你总这样麻烦别人,我认为不太合适这两句话怎么翻译,尤其2中的“合适“有”好,礼貌“的意思,实在不知道怎么翻译 英语翻译以下这句话怎么翻译?美国唯一没有受经济萧条影响的是美容业. 英语翻译1、我们以后是邻居了,多多关照!2、你常年在美国居住吗?那你习惯那边的生活吗?这两句话英语如何翻译?要正宗的,翻译器不要哈! 英语翻译我认为任何事都有好与坏这句话怎么翻译啊? 英语翻译请用英语翻译这句话,谢绝机器的翻译:客户到现在还没任何反馈,我认为可以关闭这个项目. 英语翻译这句话的翻译, 英语翻译这句话的翻译 英语翻译这句话的翻译 我紧张的心马上放松下来了,也喜欢听音乐.我认为音乐可以放松我的心情 这两句话,怎么翻译? 英语翻译两个人,对抗全世界.求这句话E文怎么说.不要傻瓜翻译.要语法正确的 英语翻译这两句话都帮我翻译出来 英语翻译我怎么会喜欢你?麻烦翻译这两句话 我认为这本新书一定是属于Jim的 这句话怎么翻译 “我认为记录片不是很有趣” “苏珊的妈妈也想去那儿”这两句话用英语怎么说 我认为她有赢这场网球比赛的可能用英语怎么翻译这句话 英语翻译主要就是这两句话的单独翻译,不求全文, 英语翻译!急!NOW!”美国到底强大在哪里”这句话怎么翻译?