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about 1
/ əˈbaut; əˋbaʊt/ adv
(also esp US around) a little more or less than; a little before or after; approximately 比...稍多或稍少; 在...稍前或稍后; 大约; 左右: It costs about 10. 这需10英镑左右.
* He's about the same height as you. 他大约像你那麽高.
* She drove for about ten miles. 她开车行驶了大约十英里.
* They waited for about an hour. 他们等了大约一个小时.
(infml 口) nearly 将近: I'm (just) about ready. 我(就)快准备好了.
(infml 口) (in understatements 用於含蓄的言语): I've had just about enough, ie quite enough. 我已经差不多够了(十分够了).
* He's been promoted, and about time too, ie it ought to have happened earlier. 他获提升了, 也差不多到时候了(早就该提升了).
(idm 习语) that's about `it/the `size of it (infml 口) that is how I see it or assess it 大致如此[大小差不多](据我所看到或估计到的). about 2
/ əˈbaut; əˋbaʊt/ adv part (in senses 1, 2 and 3 esp Brit; in these senses also, esp US, around1、2、3义尤用於英式英语; 这些词义, 尤於美式英语, 也可用around)
(a) (indicating movement) here and there, in many directions; all around (表示动向)到处, 各处, 处处: The children were rushing a`bout. 孩子们到处乱闯. * The boys were climbing about on the rocks. 男孩子都在岩石上乱爬呢.
(b) (indicating position) here and there (in a place) (表示位置)(在某一地方)到处; 各处: books lying about on the `floor 散置地上的书 * people sitting about on the `grass 在草地上各处坐着的人们.
in circulation; moving around 在传播中; 在流动中; 在周围活动: There was nobody a`bout, ie Nobody was to be seen. 周围没有人. * There's a lot of `flu about, ie Many people have flu. 有许多人患流感. * He'll soon be a`bout again, eg after an illness. 他不久就又能四处走动了(如病愈后).
somewhere near; not far off 附近; 不远: She's `somewhere about. 她就在附近.
facing around 向后转: put the ship a`bout, ie so as to face in the opposite direction 使船掉头(转成相反的方向) * It's the wrong way a`bout. 刚好相反了. * A,bout `turn! ie Turn to face the opposite way (as a military command). 向后转! (军事口令).
# a,bout-`turn (US a,bout-`face) n
1 turn made so as to face the opposite direction 向后转.
2 (fig 比喻) complete change of opinion, policy, etc 意见、 政策等完全改变: These new measures indicate an about-turn in government policy. 这些新措施表明政府的政策彻底改变了.
about 3
/ əˈbaut; əˋbaʊt/ prep (in senses 1, 2 and 5 US around; Brit also around in these senses 1、2、5义, 美式英语用around; 这些词义, 英式英语也可用around)
(a) (indicating movement) here and there in (a place); in many directions in (表示动向)在...到处, 在...各处: walking about the town 在城里到处走 * travelling about the world 环游世界 * Look a`bout you. 看看你的周围.
(b) (indicating position, state, etc) here and there in (a place); at points throughout (表示位置、 状况等)在(某地)到处; 在所有各点: papers strewn about the room 散置於室内各处的文件.
near to (a place); not far off from 在...附近; 离...不远: She's somewhere about the place. 她就在附近. * I dropped the key somewhere about here. 我把钥匙掉在这儿附近了.
on the subject of (sb/sth); in connection with; concerning or regarding 关於; 对於; 有关: a book about flowers 关於花卉的书 * Tell me about it. 把这件事告诉我. * What is he so angry about? 他对什麽事这麽生气? * He is careless about his personal appearance. 他对自己的仪表毫不在意.
concerned or occupied with (sth) 从事於; 忙於: And while you're a`bout it..., ie while you're doing that... 在你做那件事的时候... * Mind what you're about, ie Be careful. 注意你正在做的事(小心).
at a time near to; at approximately 将近...的时候; 大约在...: He arrived (at) about ten o'clock. 他大约(在)十点钟到的.
(idm 习语) be about to do sth intend to do sth immediately; be on the point of doing sth 即将; 正要: As I was about to say when you interrupted me... 我正要说的时候, 你插嘴了... * We're about to start. 我们即将动身. * I'm not about to admit defeat, ie I have no intention of doing so. 我还不想认输. how/what about...?
(a) (used when asking for information or to get sb's opinion 用以询问消息或徵求意见): What about his qualifications (ie Is he qualified) for the job? 他有资格做这件工作吗?
(b) (used when making a suggestion 用以提出建议): How about going to France for our holidays? 咱们到法国去度假好吗?
NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Both about and on can mean `on the subject of'. *about和on均意为‘关於’. A book, film or lecture on Chinese art, education or prehistory suggests a serious, academic presentation. 在关於中国的艺术、 教育或史前时期的书、 电影或演讲中, 用on意味着具有严肃的学术性的内容. A book, discussion or TV programme about China, schools or dinosaurs is of more general interest and more informal. 在关於中国、 学校或恐龙的书、 讨论会或电视节目中, 用about则更具一般性和通俗性.

I am about to take some exercise.
It is about time that we finished the task.
The pretty cat brings about much luck to our family.
Please don't throw thins about.
The book is about pure relationship.