
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:39:48


People want you to be a madman,without reason of bad boy.
They want to see that your situation is the same as theri miserable.
They don't need the hero,and they need to see you fall.

People want you to become crazy, and become someone lack of all reason.
They want to see you in a situation as pathetic as their own.
They do not need a hero, all they need to see is you to fall from your grace.

People want you become crazy, a bad boy who lost his mind.
They want to see you on their side, as tragic as they are.
They don't need a hero, all they need is your depravation.

People want you to become a madman, without reason of bad boy.
They want to see your situation and miserable.
They don't need a hero, they need to see you down.

英语翻译人们想要你成为一个疯子,失去理智的坏小子他们想看到你的处境和他们一样悲惨他们不需要英雄,他们需要的是看到你堕落 英语翻译不好意思,修改下:“照自己的内心去做,成为一个疯子,要么成为一个传奇” 英语翻译:情感上~~~~~~~~情感上,我并不是不想亲近你.但理智上,我害怕过分的亲近会让我失去你,连友情也失去.这,一定不是我想要的结果.~非常抱歉,我欠债了,没分给. 我是个爱你的疯子.英语翻译 爱会让人失去理智吗? 我是个疯子疯子疯子只爱你的疯子 . 你是一个傻子傻子傻子.我是一个疯子疯子疯子.是什么歌了?名字叫什么? 真正的英雄是什么?“当你想要成为英雄,你就失去成为英雄的资格了”这句话什么意思 爱情为什么会让人失去理智 为什么爱会让人变的失去理智? 英语翻译担心失去一个不在乎你的人,没有必要 一个人如果遵照他的内心去活着,他要么成为一个疯子,要么成为一个传奇 英语 疯子和天才的区别是什么假如在两者之中选择的话你选择是做一个天才还是疯子 英语翻译有翻译是“人们都说我不可能成为你爱的人 “我是疯子,疯子,疯子,只爱你的疯子.”是那首歌的歌词? 求一首歌,里面有一句歌词是:我是疯子疯子疯子只爱你的疯子.就这. 我是个疯子疯子疯子只爱你的疯子什么歌 你想要成为什么英语怎么说