谁能帮我挑挑错?mycmd.CommandText = "select id from " & m1_TableName & "where id='" & ddlid.SelectedItem.Text & "'"

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 21:03:59

谁能帮我挑挑错?mycmd.CommandText = "select id from " & m1_TableName & "where id='" & ddlid.SelectedItem.Text & "'"
mycmd.CommandText = "select id from " & m1_TableName & "where id='" & ddlid.SelectedItem.Text & "'"

谁能帮我挑挑错?mycmd.CommandText = "select id from " & m1_TableName & "where id='" & ddlid.SelectedItem.Text & "'"
where 之前要空一格
确保id字段是字符型 等号后面才可加单引号
数值型直接=号 不加单引

谁能帮我挑挑错?mycmd.CommandText = select id from & m1_TableName & where id=' & ddlid.SelectedItem.Text & ' 给我挑挑错好么 还有顺便把这些单词填上吧≥﹏≤谢谢了 成语:比喻如计划一样到来多说几个,我挑挑, 艺璇, 求个发音相近的英文名 (最好多几个让我挑挑 谢谢) 我要我的骄傲 对应什么?不要霸道啊什么的哦亲再多来点哈 我挑挑 50分了 我说你行,你说你不行,你就不行;我说你不行,你说你行,你就行.翻译成“I say you can,you say you can't,you will be not able to do it.I say you can't,you say you can,you will be able to do it.” 这样说对吗,帮我挑挑错 能不能帮我挑挑英语作文的毛病,分很低,我也不知道哪里错了,是时态还是动词还是句子不对?作文如下本人作文如下Dear editor,I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether it is necessary fo 这是我写的英文,请帮我挑挑错或者提提意见Almost everybody wants to be successful and as you know, to be successful sometimes is rather difficult. But the distance of failure and success could be also very short. Now, I’ll tell you 我自己瞎写的评价 谁能给我挑挑错I have a ardour to Study and work; and can often to work overtime and have a rough time,faithful & be good at communicate & response rapidly,pursue unremittingly with new technology.and have a nicer abili 求助一个英语演讲,班级内部.本人英语不好,但有不愿意让英语老师失望,我希望大家能帮我改一下顺便挑挑错吧,顺便给提提高度,是指高级语法词汇什么的,Hello,my name is XX ,many people should have kno 大侠们帮我挑挑错呗,这片英语自我介绍要急用谢谢阿The idea of being a research scientist and running a business of my own both interest me a lot.So it is nice to know that I need not give up any of them when studying here in the U 求英文高手,我写了两段文字帮忙挑挑错吧!It was not a surprise for me that Michael recreated the Golem.Only people with pure soul,sincere heart and upright spirit can summon the Golem.It seemed to him that black people and white people 我自己为了熟悉新单词 写的文章 挑挑错啊So today I feel very happy,because,i meet a very pretty and outgoing girl.Her name is snoy,she's skinny.and her character in my eyes is quite perfect.She's a represntative one of school girl.Her 我写的一段sat作文的段落,大牛们帮忙挑挑错吧Elizabeth BonnetMany writers realized the importance of individualism,too,and a character in “pride and prejudice” from Jane Austin serves as an illustration Elizabeth Bonnet was born i 请英文好的进来帮挑挑错下面是我的英文简历,不知道写的有没有错误,请英文好的帮忙看下,谢谢majors:Analog Electronic Technology 、Digital Electronic Technology、Automatic Control Theory、Modern Control Theory、Mi 请帮我挑挑错 First I think copying others'homework isn't right.I know the teachers ask us to do many homework and the homework is difficult .The most importment is many student isn't interested in studying and they are lazy .But they must finis 帮我挑挑错The Mean Man's PartyOne day a mean man wanted to have a party.But he was really not a nice person and he does not want to spend too much money for this party.So he wanted his friends to bring more prezents.He said to his friend:come t She has never seen that new film这句可以等于She hasn't seen the new film 帮我挑挑刺