>这部电影里garry owen指的是什么?意译为奋勇杀敌,但是不知道有什么来历?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:21:57

>这部电影里garry owen指的是什么?意译为奋勇杀敌,但是不知道有什么来历?
>这部电影里garry owen指的是什么?

>这部电影里garry owen指的是什么?意译为奋勇杀敌,但是不知道有什么来历?
这是一首爱尔兰快步舞曲,在we were soldiers里面出现过.
1. Let Bacchus' sons be not dismayed
But join with me, each jovial blade
Come, drink and sing and lend your aid
To help me with the chorus:
Instead of spa, we'll drink brown ale
And pay the reckoning on the nail;
No man for debt shall go to jail
From Garryowen in glory.
2. We are the boys who take delight
In smashing limerick lamps at night,
And through the street like sportsters fight,
Tearing all before us
Instead of spa, we'll drink brown ale
And pay the reckoning on the nail;
No man for debt shall go to jail
From Garryowen in glory.
3. We'll break the windows, we'll break down doors,
The watch knock down by threes and fours,
And let the doctors work their cures,
And tinker up our bruised
Instead of spa, we'll drink brown ale
And pay the reckoning on the nail;
No man for debt shall go to jail
From Garryowen in glory.
4. We'll beat the bailiffs out of fun,
We'll make the mayor and sheriffs run
We are the boys no man dares dun
If he regards a whole skin.
Instead of spa, we'll drink brown ale
And pay the reckoning on the nail;
No man for debt shall go to jail
From Garryowen in glory.
5. Our hearts so stout have got us fame
For soon 'tis known from whence we came
Where'er we go they fear the name
Of Garryowen in glory.
Instead of spa, we'll drink brown ale
And pay the reckoning on the nail;
No man for debt shall go to jail
From Garryowen in glory.

Garryowen, also known as Garyowen, Garry Owen and Gary Owens, is an Irish tune for a quickstep dance. It emerged in the late eighteenth century, when it was a drinking song of rich young roisters in L...


Garryowen, also known as Garyowen, Garry Owen and Gary Owens, is an Irish tune for a quickstep dance. It emerged in the late eighteenth century, when it was a drinking song of rich young roisters in Limerick. It obtained immediate popularity in the British Army through the 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers, who were garrisoned in Limerick and was played throughout the Napoleonic War, becoming the regimental march of the 18th Foot.


"Garryowen", 亦称"Garry 欧文" (和Garyowen 、加利欧文和加利Owens), 是爱尔兰舞蹈声调 (MIDI 文件) 19 世纪成为前进的声调为 美国第7 骑兵军团 在晚1800's 期间。 声调是将军喜爱 和成为了军团的正式空气。 根据传奇这是最后声调被演奏在之前 .
声调的名字变成军团的部份, 词 Garry 欧文 是团冠的一部分, 并且...


"Garryowen", 亦称"Garry 欧文" (和Garyowen 、加利欧文和加利Owens), 是爱尔兰舞蹈声调 (MIDI 文件) 19 世纪成为前进的声调为 美国第7 骑兵军团 在晚1800's 期间。 声调是将军喜爱 和成为了军团的正式空气。 根据传奇这是最后声调被演奏在之前 .
声调的名字变成军团的部份, 词 Garry 欧文 是团冠的一部分, 并且有阵营Garry 欧文, 汉城, 韩国北部, 房子分开军团的第4 个分谴舰队。
U 的冠。S 。 第七个骑兵军团第七个骑兵军团成为了部份的 美国第1 骑兵分部 1921 年, 1981 年和"Garryowen" 成为了分裂的正式声调。
词 garryowen 从盖尔, 固有名称被获得 Oein 并且词为庭院 garrai - 因而"欧文的庭院" 。 Garryowen 是a 俱乐部, 镇 , , 和一个镇在蒙大拿, 美国在小的大角羊争斗的站点附近。
