
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 10:22:44


The buffed lacquer is the advanced paint utensil of a kind of craft nature ,introduce the gloss and gain the name with the palm .The famous buffed lacquer appearance of Pingyao of handicraft of Shanxi is simple and unsophisticated and graceful.It is shiny to glisten,it is splendid to paint a teacher ,feel fine and smooth and lubricious,heat-resisting and dampproof ,durable in use,become the fine works in the lacquer ware.
Start to hold it in the Ming and Qing dynasty opening yuan in the Tang Dynasty according to recording Pingyao and making the buffed lacquer,have a long history.Existing variety is mostly top-grade screens.Hanging panel.Ornament casket ,etc..Much Israel of priming paint is pitch-dark.Rosy clouds are red.Apricot yellow.It is a main fact to be green and purple,paint with the pattern with national style ,such as classical novel above.Story personages in the drama.Ancient mythology .Story personage ,etc.of legend,paint in gold colored drawing or pattern,or is it carve cushion to carve,or pile on the drum and inlay,the lines are smooth ,the tone is harmonious,splendid.
The lacquer ware of Pingyao is highly skilled ,quality great reputation,is praised as " trader's hometown of the Jin Dynasty ":Pingyao:The three best:The first,has already become Pingyao and even tourist souvenir with local characteristic and artistic value of Shanxi,cultural exchanges gift ,practical product and collecting products ,the favors of the various circles of society and Chinese and foreign personage and collector deeply.


Pushes the lac varnish is one craft nature high-quality paint appliance,Promotes the gloss by the palm of the hand to acquire fame.Shanxi famous handicraft Pingyao pushes the lac varnish outward appea...


Pushes the lac varnish is one craft nature high-quality paint appliance,Promotes the gloss by the palm of the hand to acquire fame.Shanxi famous handicraft Pingyao pushes the lac varnish outward appearance plainly refined.The flash shines,Draws the teacher resplendently in gold and jade green,Smooth to the touch lubrication,Heat-resisting moisture-proof,Durable,Becomes in the lacquerware the high-quality goods. According to records Pingyao to manufacture pushes the lac varnish to begin in the Tang Dynasty to open the first year,Abundantly in Ming and Qing Dynasties,Has the glorious history.The existing variety many is the upscale screen.Hung picture.Jewelry chest and so on.Primer many by jet.The rosy cloud is red.Apricot yellow.Green purple primarily,Above draws by has the national style design,If classical novel.In play story character.Ancient times myth.In fable story characters and so on,Or traces a design in gold the colored drawing on pottery,Or the knife engraves carves the pad,Or pile of drum crustification,The line is smooth,Tone harmony,Splendid.
Pingyao lacquerware highly skilled,Quality great reputation,By the reputation is the " Jin business native place:Pingyao:Three certainly:One,Has become Pingyao and even Shanxi has the place characteristic and the artistic value traveling souvenir,Cultural exchange present,Solid thing and treasured possession,Deeply from all walks of life as well as the Chinese and foreign public figure and collects the society amateur's favor.



Pushes the lac varnish is one kind of technological archery target high-quality paint appliance, to the palm of the hand promotes the gloss to acquire fame Shanxi famous handicraft Pingyao plainly pus...


Pushes the lac varnish is one kind of technological archery target high-quality paint appliance, to the palm of the hand promotes the gloss to acquire fame Shanxi famous handicraft Pingyao plainly pushes the lac varnish outward appearance to be refined The flash shines, draws the teacher resplendently in gold and jade green, the smooth to the touch lubrication, heat-resisting is moisture-proof, durable, becomes in the lacquerware the high-quality goods According to records Pingyao to manufacture pushes the lac varnish beginning to Tang Dynasty 开元年间, abundantly to Ming and Qing Dynasties, has the glorious history The existing variety are many is the upscale screen 挂屏 Jewelry chest and so on The primer are many by the jet The rosy cloud is red Apricot yellow Green purple primarily, the above draws by has the national style the design, like classical novel In play story character Ancient times myth In fable story character and so on, either traces a design in gold the colored drawing on pottery, either the knife engraves carves the pad, either a pile of drum mounts, line smooth, the tone is harmonious, splendid The Pingyao lacquerware highly skilled, the quality great reputation, by the reputation is the "Jin business native place: Pingyao: Three certainly: One, has become Pingyao and even Shanxi has the place characteristic and the artistic value traveling souvenir, the cultural exchange present, is practical and the collection, deeply from all walks of life as well as the Chinese and foreign public figure and collects the society amateur's favour


Refuse all the lacquer ware is a kind of craft property of high class varnish the tool, release the luster but get with the palm.The 著 a 遥 with even handicraft product of the mountain west refuses all...


Refuse all the lacquer ware is a kind of craft property of high class varnish the tool, release the luster but get with the palm.The 著 a 遥 with even handicraft product of the mountain west refuses all the ancient elegance of 朴 of the lacquer ware external appearance.The flashlight become bright, drawing the teacher magnificent, the hand feeling is delicate slippery smooth, heat-proof defend the tide, through long enduring, become the exquisite article in the lacquer ware.
According to jot down the even 遥 manufacture to refuse all the that the lacquer ware begins from the Tang Dynasty to open the first year, prosperous in clear and pure, have the long history.The existing species is the upscale screen much.Hang to hold.Jewelry box etc..The bottom paint is much is black with the 墨 .The 霞 is red.Almond Huang.The green and purple is a lord, drawing up with the pattern of have the race style, such as classic novel.Story person in the drama.Ancient myth.The legendary story person etc., or copy the gold to color, or the knife engrave the mat of 雕 , or a drum inset, the lines is flowing freely, the tone is harmonious, sumptuous.
The even 遥 lacquer ware technical skill is consummate, the character great reputation, drive 誉 for" company's native district of Jin: even 遥 : three unique: it a, have become the tour trophy that the even 遥 is a special features and the art value that goes to the mountain west to have the place, the cultural interaction gift, practical article and collect as treasure the article, be subjected to social public and Chinese and foreignerses and collect the favor of the fancier deeply.
This is all contentses of the article, because of time urgent, hope each master to help me to translate as soon as possible, I thanked everyone first here, very thankful!!!


英语翻译推光漆器是一种工艺性质的高级油漆器具,以手掌推出光泽而得名.山西著名工艺品平遥推光漆器外观古朴雅致.闪光发亮,绘师金碧辉煌,手感细腻滑润,耐热防潮,经久耐用,成为漆器中 天津哪里有卖平遥推光漆器的 太原市区哪里有卖平遥推光漆器的? 推光漆器有哪些分类呢? 平遥推光漆器有哪些优点? 在那里有卖平遥推光漆器?想买做工略好,不俗气的平遥推光漆器,不知哪里能买到比较正宗,价格合理的平遥推光漆器.我也知道手工的贵,如若不是手工的,其他方面都过得去也是可以的,请问到 高级聚酯油漆工艺 具体指什么? 英语翻译是一种处理工艺. 石膏板吊顶的油漆工艺 唐都推光漆器是平遥正宗漆器么? 扬州漆器与北京漆器的区别? 有没有一种化学物质在加压条件下为液体,常温常压下是固体和即喷型油漆差不多性质的 英语翻译building up 是一种什么焊接工艺?是不是所谓的堆焊?熟悉焊接工艺的高手请指教 英语翻译本文重点研究总结了漆器工艺的主要工艺材料、工艺技法,并通过比较,提出了各个工艺之间的主要不同点,阐明了不同工艺的主要手法、用途等,为漆艺在现代家具中的应用提供理论依 战国漆器的种类 世界上制造漆器最早的国家是?中国 油漆的构成与性质? 英语翻译摘要:本次设计的题目是皮带轮铸造工艺设计,要求绘制铸造工艺图和铸件图各一张.皮带轮是一种十分常用的机械零件,首先我们要熟悉零件,了解皮带轮的作用,然后根据零件的性质