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(一), 并列连词
 1, and连接语法作用相同的部分.
 Let me know what you saw and heard in Europe.
 Her husband is a singer and songwriter.
 Work hard and you will pass the examination.
 (1) 由and连接的两个单数名词(2)and前面的主语
 之前有every, each, no, many a的时候用单数谓语动词.
 Every train and bus was crowded with many people.
 2, both+主语+and+主语+"复数谓语动词"
 Both Tom and Jerry are going to the cinema.
 3, not only…but (also)如果连接两个主语,谓语动词临近原则.
 Not only he but also his parents are very kind to me.
 4, as well as后面的主语不作为成分.
 This study, as well as many other reports, shows that cancer can be cured.
 She sings as well as playing the piano.
 5, nor是否定连接词, 后面接的句子应倒装.
 I don't know, nor do I care.
 因为nor是连接两个句子, 如果连接的不是句子,而且前面有否定词的时候,不用nor而是用or. 除neither以外
Never try to talk or argue with Mary.
 6, but除了可以连接句子表示转折以外,还可以用在no one, none, nobody, nothing, all, every等词之后表示"除了…以外"
 He tried hard but he was unsuccessful.
 All the boys but one are here.
 7, however, nevertheless, still, yet,含意相同相当于"but…anyway".
 adv. (conj)
 The car was old, yet(nevertheless) it was in excellent condition.
 She has her weaknesses, yet(but) that doesn't mean she is not qualified for the job.
 He lied to me, yet I still believe him.
 8, while表示的是"相反的",也可以用but, however, on the other hand来代替.
 While some people have nothing to eat, others eat too much.
 9, or连接句子或词组 "或者"
 Which do you prefer, yellow, blue or red?
 Was he angry, or was he pretending?
 10, or, or else, otherwise都是否则的意思.
 Be quick, or/otherwise you will be late.
 11, either … or/neither … nor的动词同样是临近原则.
 Either Mary or her parents are going by bus.
 There is neither electricity nor free suppers in the hotel.
 12, so表示因此, 相当于therefore.(adv.)
 They cost a lot of money, so use them carefully.
 It is very cold. Therefore, we should stay here.
 13, then (adv)然后,而后,其次
 I dropped in at her house and then I went home.
 14, for不可以放在句首;之前必须由逗号; 表示推论的理由
 They must be good friends, for they are always together.
 (二), 从属连词
 1, that引导名词性从句(主语/宾语/表语从句),同位语从句,定语从句,…
 That smoking can cause cancer is known to all.
 I was surprised to hear that he became the president.
 2, whether/if(是否) if 能引导宾语语从句
 Please tell me whether it is true or not.
 I haven't decided whether/if I'll go with you.
 在介词后,名词后,不定式前和有or not的句子中用whether.
 I am worried about whether she is happy.
 3, when, while, as
 when 在---时刻或时期,可指时间点或时间段,从句动词是终止或持续动词.When I got home, he was having supper.
 When I was young, I liked dancing.
 As 表示"边---边---"或"与---同时"表示动作同时发生伴随进行.动词相似.如终止性动词为从句,则主句也为终止性动词.
 They talked as they walked.
 While I slept a thief broke in.
 When 可以表示主句和从句先后发生.
 When he has finished his work, he takes a short rest.
 When 从句为终止动词不能为while 替换
 When he came yesterday, we were playing basketball.
 如从句动词为终止性动词,主句也是终止性动词 when 和as 可以互换.
 He came just as I reached the door.
 We should strike while the iron is hot.
 4, after/before
 After her husband died she had to take everything on herself.
 Take the medicine before you go to bed.
 5, since引导的从句是肯定句,一般主句都是完成时,
 在it is … since这个结构里,从句可用过去时或现在完成时.
 若是"it was … since"从句必须用过去完成时.
 She has had another baby since we met.
 It is two years since I last saw you.
 It was two years since I had played cards.
 6, till/until其中until较为常用, till是口语.
 Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.
 7, as soon as
 I'll tell him the news as soon as I see him.
 8, once(一旦)相当于as soon as
 Once he dies, everything will change.
 9, because/since/as表示直接原因的时候不能用since或as.其他情况可以用.since-既然  as- 由于(语气弱).
 10, so/such… that 结果状语从句(程度)
 She was so moved that tears came to her eyes.
 They took such care of her that not long after she was restored to health.
 11, so/such that(结果状语从句/目的状语从句), in order to/that…目的状语从句
 They set out early so that they might arrive in time. 目的状语从句
 Say slowly so that I can understand it.
 It was raining, so that we could not go out. 结果状语从句(原因)
 12, if(假如,如果)不能用whether.
 If you call him a fatty, he will get angry.
 13, unless = if not
 You can not interview him unless you get the permission.
 14, though/although都作为"虽然,尽管"可以互换,although用的更多一些. 后面不可以有but但可以有yet/still/nevertheless.
 Although he is much better, yet his father isn't satisfied.
 15, as…as/ than
 16. Now that 既然
 Now that you are all back, we'd better start the work right away.
 17. Seeing that由于
 Seeing that I shall be here again tomorrow, I won't wait any longer.
 18, as可以引导状语从句
 As I remember, he used to work here ten years ago.
 As I see it, there is still much room for improvement in our work.
 Why didn't you do as you were asked to do?
 As far as I know, as far as I am concerned, --- as if (though)
 Try as he would, he couldn't open it.