gather与collect有什么区别如题 谢谢了谢谢

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gather与collect有什么区别如题 谢谢了谢谢
gather与collect有什么区别如题 谢谢了

gather与collect有什么区别如题 谢谢了谢谢
(1)collect,gather,assemble是词义很近的同义词,它们的一般含义是“收集”或“使…集中到一起”.(2)collect 通常表示有目的或有挑选的收集,而gather 一般表示由少积多的收集.He knew I collected birds' eggs… 他知道我收集各种鸟蛋…… He collected a lot of valuable stamps.他收集了许多有价值的邮票.He was a collector.他做过收租人.The teacher collected all the pupils in front of the classroom buildings.老师把小学生招集在教学楼前.The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then failed to collect it.海盗常把金子埋藏在山洞里,而后来又没能取走.(3)此外,gather的用法较广泛,能组成不少的习语.如:be gathered to one's fathers(死亡),gather the brows (眉),gather oneself together(振奋精神).collect 和gather 有时虽然可以换用(如:He collected his belongings and went away.此句中的 collected 便可换以gathered,句子的意思并不改变.)但是collect one's thoughts 与gather one's thoughts 之间便有明显的含义差别,前者的意思是把自己的思想有条理地组织起来,后者的意思是把分散了的思想集中起来.collect money 表示为某目的而收款或募款,而gather money 则表示积钱.A large crowed gathered under the Town Hall clock.一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下.The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year's crop before the September rains.全村日夜辛苦地干着,要在9月的雨季之前收割并打完今年的庄稼.The country girl gathered some firewood.那个农家姑娘拾了些柴火.(4)assemble 强调把数个个体紧密地联合在一起,或者表示这种联合是自觉的而且有一定的目的的.The students assemble for class at 8 o'clock in the morning.学生早上八时聚集在一起上课.It was here the scattered forces of the revolution assembled in the autumn of 1928.就是在这里,分散了的革命武装力量于1928年秋季聚集起来了.The workers who assemble cars work very skilfully.装配汽车的工人们干得很熟练.