
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:40:28

在王振亚编写的《实用英语语言文化》中介绍了张岱年等人在1994年提出的一个六分说.“这六分说具体分为物质、社会制度与组织、科学与艺术、语言与其他交际系统、习俗与行为模式、价值系统(包括世界观、民族性、审美标准及思维模式).这六个成分或层次概括了人的主要特征.正是这些特征把人与动物、自然界区别开来、很自然它们就构成了广义的文化.”下面以价值观念上的差异为例子加以说明.中国人待人接物时有礼貌、有涵养、有文明的一种表现就是“客随主便”(对应英文就是“up to you”).“作为客人应当听从主人的安排,不要使主人感到为难,更不应提出主人难以做到的要求,这是对主人的尊重.按中国人传统的思维方式理解,惟有这样做才是合乎情理的.可是,在欧洲人看来,“客随主便”却是令人十分困惑的思维方式.”中国人善于统筹兼顾,注重集体综合性,即在考虑问题习惯将事物的各个方面视为一个整体联系起来进行综合考虑.孔子推崇“爱他人为仁”,孙中山提倡“天下为公”,毛泽东主张“为人民服务”、“人多力量大”.中国人重视的社会价值,仅把人看作群体的一分子,人只有无条件地将自己的命运和利益都托付给所属的群体.“中国哲学的一个最基本、最重要的问题就是天与人,或天道与人道、自然与人为的关系问题.”中国古谚语有“万事俱备,只欠东风”,《三国演义》第四十九回:“孔明索纸笔,屏退左右,密书十六字曰:‘欲破曹公,宜用火攻;万事俱备,只欠东风’.”强调了自然与人为的紧密结合.如此“天人合一”的思想使中国文化强调人对自然的顺应,协调和感恩,以人与自然的亲和为其文化的价值基础.
而西方人的思维方式中往往更强调的是“个体性”,故常出现意见太分散,众口难调的局面.西方文化强调天人对立,侧重于向外探寻,由此而形成了英美人勇于开创,积极进取,凭借人类的智慧去征服自然,主宰天地的人生观,故英语有习语knowledge is power;英美人喜好求变求异,善于抓住机会,大胆冒险,因此,英美人口头禅是“I will try.”“God helps those who help themselves.”西方文化精神推动了英美人对权利的崇拜和对外在物质经济的追求,形成了追求物质利益的功利主义价值观和个人主义为中心的信条.
结合上述例子,可归结出中西方人在价值观念上的差异常表现为个人本位与人伦本位取向上的差异.中国人崇尚“人伦本位”,“人伦本位可以说是群体本位,或换一种更现代的说法,就是集体主义,以他人为参照,领导、家属、同学、同事、亲戚、朋友、邻居等组成一种群体‘磁场’,似乎做什么事总离不开这一磁场的影响.”而英美文化的主线均是个人本位,或曰个体主义.“英语 ‘individualism’(个人主义)源于拉丁文‘individuum’(个体)不可分割的东西.在西方近代资产阶级革命时期,许多思想家将‘个人主义’视为永恒不变的人性,看作道德的主要内容和判断善恶的主要标准.作为一种价值体系,西方个人主义主张一切价值均以人为中心,个人本身具有最高价值,个人是生活的最高目的,社会利益是个人利益的方式,社会是达到个人目的的手段,一切个人在道义上都是平等的.”

Wang Zhenya prepared in the "English language and culture," Zhang Dainian others on the six-proof in 1994."This material is divided into six specific proof that the social system and the organization of art and science,language and other communication systems.customs and behavioral patterns,value systems (including world,national Aesthetic standards and mode of thinking).This six-level summary of the main elements or characteristics.It is these features of human beings and animals ,the distinction between the natural world,Naturally they constitute a broad culture."Now the difference in values for example.China polite when people get along,I am sure.there is a manifestation of civilization "with the main objective will be" (the English counterpart is "up to you")."Visitors should obey the master,to avoid embarrassment owner,the owner should not be hard to accomplish,This is the master of respect.understood by the traditional Chinese way of thinking,the only way is reasonable.However,Europeans view,"with the main objective will be" way of thinking is very confused."The Chinese people are good at drawing comprehensive collective attention,consider things in all aspects of the issue will be used to link as a whole for consideration.Confucius to promote the "love others benevolence",Sun advocated the "commerce",Mao Zedong advocated "serve the people"."Renduoliliangdai." Chinese emphasis on social values,only the people as members of groups.Only the unconditional have entrusted their fate and interests belonging to the group."China's fundamental philosophy,and the day is the most important issue,or public entertainment and humanity.the relationship between nature and man."Ancient Chinese proverb," Everything is ready,and wind." 49 back :"Romance of Three Kingdoms" and "Hole acquire brushes,Bingtui%,close on 16-character expression :'Yu Po Kung,it is appropriate to reckless; In other words,only wind '."Emphasizing the close integration of nature and man.Such "Nature and Man" ideology of the Chinese culture stresses natural comply with the coordination and Thanksgiving.and the natural affinity to the value of their cultural foundation.Western ways of thinking and often give more emphasis to the "individual" and delayed nature of the idea too scattered,difficult to find the tone for the situation.West Indian culture stresses confrontation,with a focus on exploring the outside,which formed the British and American people's courage to create a positive progress.With the wit of man to conquer nature,to dominate the world of life.Therefore,knowledge is power; English Idioms anomaly Britain and the United States who likes change,be good at seizing opportunities.bold adventure,British and American people's mantra is "I will try."" God helps those who help t hemselves."Western culture is the spirit of promoting the rights of worship and foreign Britain and the United States in the pursuit of material economy ,a pursuit of material benefits to the utilitarian values and the creed of individualism.Combination of the above examples,which can be drawn on the differences between Western values and ethics-based orientation of the individual speaking the difference.Chinese people advocating "human-based" and "human-based groups can be said to be based,or for a more modern view.collectivism is,in reference to others,leadership,family members,students,colleagues,relatives,friends,neighbors and other groups composed of a 'magnetic' seem to do anything without the total magnetic field effects."Britain and the United States are the main line of the individual culture,namely,individualism."English 'individualism' (individualism) from the Latin 'individuum '(individual) things inseparable.Western bourgeois revolution in the modern period.Many thinkers to 'individualism' as immutable human nature,The main content and moral judgment of good and evil as the main criterion.as a value system,Western individualism,the idea that all values were artificially center,a person with the highest values,personal life is the ultimate goal.interests are the interests of the individual,society is a means to achieve their personal ends,all individuals are equal in moral."


Wang Zhenya prepared in the "English language and culture," Zhang Dainian others on the six-proof in 1994. "This material is divided into six specific proof that the social system and the organization...


Wang Zhenya prepared in the "English language and culture," Zhang Dainian others on the six-proof in 1994. "This material is divided into six specific proof that the social system and the organization of art and science, language and other communication systems. customs and behavioral patterns, value systems (including world, national Aesthetic standards and mode of thinking). This six-level summary of the main elements or characteristics. It is these features of human beings and animals , the distinction between the natural world, Naturally they constitute a broad culture. "Now the difference in values for example. China polite when people get along, I am sure. there is a manifestation of civilization "with the main objective will be" (the English counterpart is "up to you"). "Visitors should obey the master, to avoid embarrassment owner, the owner should not be hard to accomplish, This is the master of respect. understood by the traditional Chinese way of thinking, the only way is reasonable. However, Europeans view, "with the main objective will be" way of thinking is very confused. "The Chinese people are good at drawing comprehensive collective attention, consider things in all aspects of the issue will be used to link as a whole for consideration. Confucius to promote the "love others benevolence", Sun advocated the "commerce", Mao Zedong advocated "serve the people". "Renduoliliangdai." Chinese emphasis on social values, only the people as members of groups. Only the unconditional have entrusted their fate and interests belonging to the group. "China's fundamental philosophy, and the day is the most important issue, or public entertainment and humanity. the relationship between nature and man. "Ancient Chinese proverb," Everything is ready, and wind. " 49 back : "Romance of Three Kingdoms" and "Hole acquire brushes, Bingtui%, close on 16-character expression : 'Yu Po Kung, it is appropriate to reckless; In other words, only wind '. "Emphasizing the close integration of nature and man. Such "Nature and Man" ideology of the Chinese culture stresses natural comply with the coordination and Thanksgiving. and the natural affinity to the value of their cultural foundation. Western ways of thinking and often give more emphasis to the "individual" and delayed nature of the idea too scattered, difficult to find the tone for the situation. West Indian culture stresses confrontation, with a focus on exploring the outside, which formed the British and American people's courage to create a positive progress. With the wit of man to conquer nature, to dominate the world of life. Therefore, knowledge is power; English Idioms anomaly Britain and the United States who likes change, be good at seizing opportunities. bold adventure, British and American people's mantra is "I will try. "" God helps those who help t hemselves. "Western culture is the spirit of promoting the rights of worship and foreign Britain and the United States in the pursuit of material economy , a pursuit of material benefits to the utilitarian values and the creed of individualism. Combination of the above examples, which can be drawn on the differences between Western values and ethics-based orientation of the individual speaking the difference. Chinese people advocating "human-based" and "human-based groups can be said to be based, or for a more modern view. collectivism is, in reference to others, leadership, family members, students, colleagues, relatives, friends, neighbors and other groups composed of a 'magnetic' seem to do anything without the total magnetic field effects. "Britain and the United States are the main line of the individual culture, namely, individualism. "English 'individualism' (individualism) from the Latin 'individuum '(individual) things inseparable. Western bourgeois revolution in the modern period. Many thinkers to 'individualism' as immutable human nature, The main content and moral judgment of good and evil as the main criterion. as a value system, Western individualism, the idea that all values were artificially center, a person with the highest values, personal life is the ultimate goal. interests are the interests of the individual, society is a means to achieve their personal ends, all individuals are equal in moral. "



英语翻译在王振亚编写的《实用英语语言文化》中介绍了张岱年等人在1994年提出的一个六分说.“这六分说具体分为物质、社会制度与组织、科学与艺术、语言与其他交际系统、习俗与行为 英语翻译并翻译:04级实用英语 摘要 礼仪是人与人之间交流的规则,是一种语言,也是一种工具.中西方有着截然不同的礼仪文化.随着世界全球化不断加快步伐,经济、文化高速碰撞融合的大背景 英语翻译实用英语 英语翻译经济,文化,语言 英语翻译语言是文化的一个重要组成部分,不同的文化反映相似或相异的文化.古德诺夫在《文化人类学与语言学》中指出:“一个社会的语言是该社会文化的一个方面,语言和文化是部分和整 英语翻译语言是文化的载体和传播工具,文化则是语言形成和发展的基础,不同民族在人文历史、风俗习惯、价值观念等方面的差异必然会在其语言上打下深刻的烙印 英语翻译语言是文化的一个特殊组成部分.如果把文化作为一个包罗万象的总体概念来看,则语言属于人类总体文化,即大文化的范畴.但它在总体文化中的地位比较特殊,与总体文化中的其它成 实用英语 为什么要写肢体语言在中西方文化的差异 发生在身边与语言文化有关的趣事 作文 英语翻译语言是文化的一部分,因此不懂得文化的模式和准则,就不可能真正学到语言.了解和掌握一种文化绝不是记忆一些文化事实,而是在交际中能够正确地运用.无论学习者将深层文化背诵 英语翻译不同民族有不同的文化和语言,语言的使用会受到文化的制约,各民族的语言与各民族的文化是不可分割的,他们的风俗习惯,传统和思维方式等都反映在语言当中.所以,中国学生学习英 英语翻译文化冲击可以是多方面的,从气候、饮食、语言、服饰,直至行为举止、人口密度、政治经济环境,等等;既有身体的因素,更多的是精神因素.在一个崭新的文化环境中,文化冲击使得受 非语言交际在中西方文化中的差异英文翻译非语言交际在中西方文化中的差异的英文翻译,谢谢 英语国家的语言文化 C语言编写两个数的最大公约数 matlab语言编写下面的公式 Matlab 是用什么语言编写的?