the following week的同义短语(快)要3个词组成的.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 05:51:37

the following week的同义短语(快)要3个词组成的.
the following week的同义短语(快)

the following week的同义短语(快)要3个词组成的.
the next week

The week following Christmas Day 这句话里面的 following怎么解释 我初学语法 咨询 the following week 与 next week的区别?意思上一定有区别,不要说没区别。假如老师布置作业,你听不懂the following week 与 next week,你将可能不能按时交作业了。 the following week的同义短语(快)要3个词组成的. 英语翻译例句是这样的 It’s sunny------ ------ ------ ------ in the following week 怎么填呀 The following week(The next week)...他们可以放在句首吗 英语翻译初二英语翻译.接下来的一周,全国都是晴天It's sunny ___ ___ ___ ___ in the following week. During the week ____ he tried to collect materials for his article.following现在分词与the week构成 The following week the “Queen Elizabeth” set sail for Hongkong那个for怎么解释 a week 和one week以及the week的区别. 翻译以下:Materials received after Friday of Week 2 will be evaluated the following term.Thanks. There won't be any rain in the following week,_______?反义疑问句 The week following Christmas Day,mang African-American families get togehter the following The following day.这里为什么能用following?为什么能用following?怎么能作形容词的用法? The teacher and the chief of office ____ invited to give a speech at the meeting the following week.A is B are C was D were答案选的是C 英语语法 week前的介词到底加什么啊!at week?at the week?on week?on the week? in the week的意思 英语翻译Please advise if we can expect a complete shipment for the following items by the first week of Sept