求这两个hang的不同之处1.a piece of material hung to cover a window2.i am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows.为什么好像两个hang都表被挂的意思,一个是hanging,一个却用hung?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:22:07

求这两个hang的不同之处1.a piece of material hung to cover a window2.i am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows.为什么好像两个hang都表被挂的意思,一个是hanging,一个却用hung?
1.a piece of material hung to cover a window
2.i am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows.为什么好像两个hang都表被挂的意思,一个是hanging,一个却用hung?而且第一句还不用加be动词,不是被动语态吗?

求这两个hang的不同之处1.a piece of material hung to cover a window2.i am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows.为什么好像两个hang都表被挂的意思,一个是hanging,一个却用hung?





求这两个hang的不同之处1.a piece of material hung to cover a window2.i am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows.为什么好像两个hang都表被挂的意思,一个是hanging,一个却用hung? pie plate的意思(在这句话里:The pie plate was invented by accident “妈妈”与“母亲”两个同义词的不同之处 求阴影部分的面积结果保留pie 已知w>0,函数f(x)=sin(wx+pie/4)在(pie/4,pie)单调递减,求w的取值范围 一家施与德行的铺子叫行行行,正确读音是什么.A.xing xing hang B.xing hang hang C.xing hang xing D.hang xing hang是施与德行的铺子 ,说出理由.快 pie pie 请辨析相近的词组或短语,见下例 A.hang on B.hang around C.hang back D.hang on somebody’s words 上海闵行区“xing”“hang” 莘“shen”“xin”庄镇怎么的读?这两个多音字求当地人指点. 英语单词(hang和hang)hang 的意思有两个:吊死;悬挂.就是我想区别一下他俩 hang(吊死) hanged hanged hang(悬挂) hung hung他俩的过去式不同 在句子中怎样区分呢? 为什么是a apple pie would you like a pie? as .as possible和 as .as sb can区别?这两个词组的不同之处,谢谢. 求一首A开头的英文歌拼写,很火,女的唱的发音大概是A LI HANG DE DOU求拼写 On the wall ( hang ) two pictures At the top of the hill ( stands ) a temple 这两个句子怎么解释为什么前面的动词用复数形式,而后面的动词用单数形式?On the wall ( hang ) two picturesAt the top of the hill ( stands 如何切蛋糕这是一道申请加入加拿大军队必须参加的能力考试中的一道数学题:A pie is cut so that one piece,which is one quarter of the pie,is twice as large as each of the other pieces.Into how many pieces is the pie cut? hang on a second