
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:16:16


I got up and found the rain and had to go to school by bus,and nearly 7:00 before I left home.I rushed to the station.On the bus,I sat down one seat,I was going to give my seat an old lady when a young woman wearing fashionable sat on my seat first,I was very angry!

When I got up I found out it was raining, so I had to take a bus to school and I left home at nearly 7 o'clock. I rushed to the bus station. After getting on the bus, I found a seat and sat in it. When I was going to give my seat to an old woman, a young lady in stylish clothes sat in it before the old woman. I was very angry!

When I woke up,it was raining.So I had to go to school by bus,I leave the house until it was going to 7:00am.I got to the bus stop in hurry.After getting on it,I got a seat.When I was ready to give my...


When I woke up,it was raining.So I had to go to school by bus,I leave the house until it was going to 7:00am.I got to the bus stop in hurry.After getting on it,I got a seat.When I was ready to give my seat to a grandma,a lady dressed fashion did it,it made me feel so angry!


i woke up and found that it was raining outside, so that i had to go to school by bus. i left home around seven'o clock. i ran to the bus stop hurry. on the bus, i sat down and i saw an elder. when i ...


i woke up and found that it was raining outside, so that i had to go to school by bus. i left home around seven'o clock. i ran to the bus stop hurry. on the bus, i sat down and i saw an elder. when i wanted to give her my seat, a well-dressed woman sat there quickly. i was really angry!


After getting up ,I found it was raining outside. I had to go to school by bus and it was nearly 7 o'clock when I left home. I went to the bus station in a hurry. Getting on the bus ,I found a seat. And a young woman took my seat before I gave my seat to an old lady. I felt very angry about that!

英语翻译我起床后发现下雨,不得不乘汽车上学,将近7点才离家.我匆匆赶到车站.上车后,坐到一个座位,正想给一老奶奶让座时,一位穿着时尚的女青年捷足先登,我很气愤! 不得不乘出租车 用英语翻译 英语翻译起床后请给我打个电话. 我不得不去看医生 英语翻译 上周因为下雨,我们不得不一整天呆在家里 英语翻译 下雨了,我不得不回家取伞.改为陈述句 英语翻译1 我先躺沙发上睡一会,过一会你叫我起来2 我去睡会,快上班的时候 / 快下班的时候,你来喊我起床3 你睡吧,一会我会提醒你起床的4 天阴的很重,估计不久就要下雨了,你带把伞再走吧. 求4句英语翻译(是把中文译成英文.)急!放学后我不能会见我的朋友.我们房间里有太多的规则.汤姆不得不早上六点起床.我不能忍受他们.还有一问题.有没有好的动漫歌曲啊,推荐一下.哈哈哈,我 英语翻译:一个8岁的女孩说她不得不每天早晨6点起床 请以:MY MOST UNLUCKY DAY为题写一篇英语作文.)今天是我最不幸运的一天,昨晚因为我肚子疼,今早睡过了头,起床时,发现下雨了,我没有带伞,匆忙赶到公车站时,发现自己没带钱,倒校时,老师已经在上 起床后,请整理床铺 英语翻译 记住起床后先吃药 用英语翻译 英语翻译I ___ ___ ___ a ___ ___(我不得不上钢琴课) 英语翻译:我不得不打110报警 我不得不走路去上学,怎样用英语翻译 我不得不告诉你一件事 英语翻译 我不得不完成家庭作业.英语翻译 英语翻译我不得不向生活低头