我的英语演讲稿子,谁帮我修改一下~我的稿子在这:Ladies and Gentlemen,boys and girls,good afternoon!My name is XXX,I come from Class Two ,Grade Seven.Today ,I’d like to share a story with you.A terrible earthquake happened in Wen

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:16:54

我的英语演讲稿子,谁帮我修改一下~我的稿子在这:Ladies and Gentlemen,boys and girls,good afternoon!My name is XXX,I come from Class Two ,Grade Seven.Today ,I’d like to share a story with you.A terrible earthquake happened in Wen
Ladies and Gentlemen,boys and girls,good afternoon!My name is XXX,I come from Class Two ,Grade Seven.Today ,I’d like to share a story with you.
A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan on May 12,2008.Many people lost their lives and homes.During those days,a lot of stories about love could be heard.Here is one of them.After the earthquake,under a fallen building,some soldiers found that a woman died in a very strange way.When they were ready to take her away ,they were surprised to find that a baby in her arms was still alive .The baby was sleeping and wasn’t hurt at all.Between the dead mother and the living baby,there was a cell phone with a short message on the screen,“My dear baby ,if you can survive ,remember that I love you.” Everybody cried when they read these words.
Besides this story,many other stories also moved us deeply .From these stories,we know more about love.The greatest thing in the world is the mother-love.It is eternal and selfless.There is someone who will care you and love you forever,that is your mother.
You ’re lucky if you’re loved by others.You’re great if you love others when you’re in danger.
That’s all,thank you!

我的英语演讲稿子,谁帮我修改一下~我的稿子在这:Ladies and Gentlemen,boys and girls,good afternoon!My name is XXX,I come from Class Two ,Grade Seven.Today ,I’d like to share a story with you.A terrible earthquake happened in Wen
mother-love 应该是mother's love,如果是规范用法的话,
six-kingdom alliance 六国的联盟
1 they were surprised to find that a baby in her arms was still alive
to their surprise,there was a baby still being alive in her arm
2 Besides this story,many other stories also moved us deeply .From these stories,we know more about love.
Besides this story,many other stories from which we know more about love also moved us deeply.
3 There is someone who will care you and love you forever,that is your mother.
It is your mother who will care you and love you forever.
The great love of the mother spread over the nation when the message,though,being very short,was shown on the screen.
These stories makes our heart warm when the terrible disaster struck our country.

我的英语演讲稿子,谁帮我修改一下~我的稿子在这:Ladies and Gentlemen,boys and girls,good afternoon!My name is XXX,I come from Class Two ,Grade Seven.Today ,I’d like to share a story with you.A terrible earthquake happened in Wen I like losing face 稿子是李阳的稿子有一篇以此为题的英语演讲稿 请给我 请各位谁帮我一个忙——给我一篇英语演讲的稿子题目是how to impress others during job interview 求英语高手帮我修改一篇英语演讲稿,大二的 ..世界环境日英语演讲稿我想要世界环境日的英语稿子 稿子不要太长 不超过两分钟 我要背的 迎大运会英语演讲稿.我是一名初中生,急需一篇符合我们演讲的英文稿子,希望能有稿子的同时把翻译给我~ 帮我写一遍小学程度的两分钟英语演讲稿 谁能帮我修改一下这篇英语演讲稿,周五之前帮我看看有没有什么语法错误,CHINGLISH的地方,也帮我修改一下,The first time I knew the Olympic Game is in 1992,the Barcelona Olympic Game.At that time I was just a young gi 求一篇初中英语演讲稿我参加了英语风采大赛哪位大侠能帮我准备一份演讲稿3分钟以内如果写得好我会再追加悬赏的算了 稿子还是我自己写吧求大家推荐几个好一点的英语演讲开场白和结 宠物小白鼠英语演讲谁帮我找一片关于宠物小白鼠的英语演讲啊啊?80词+ 急需英语演讲稿《my dream》,我的理想是设计,希望大家帮忙写篇两分钟的,简单些的稿子,给外教的稿子不要太难.容易背下来就好,内容我的理想是建筑设计! 英语翻译我要参加一个英语演讲,我自己写好了稿子,也翻译了一下,只是觉得太过平凡,希望大家可以帮我翻译一下,用上一些好点的句式,主要是句式哦,文章内容可以有所更改的,200分不是这么 介绍西澳大利亚风景的英语文章帮我写一下..英语演讲用的,急用.. 谁帮我写些为运动员加油的稿子?100字就够了 “2008,我的一环”谁给我一篇稿子 英语演讲稿 我爱我的祖国 我想要一篇关于理想的英语演讲稿.谁可以帮我啊...找不到我会挨罚的.. 帮我修改一下我自己写的英语演讲稿英语演讲稿ladies and gentleman:today I want to share with you something about my growing pains.After this Spring Festival,I’m already 18 years old and I think I’m a grown-up now.last time I too