英语翻译DSA–ADSS (Robotics Enterprise )(For admission to Secondary One in 2009)DSA-Sec is an MOE initiative which was introduced in 2004 to give schools greater flexibility in student admission,so as to allow a more diverse range of student ach

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:52:53

英语翻译DSA–ADSS (Robotics Enterprise )(For admission to Secondary One in 2009)DSA-Sec is an MOE initiative which was introduced in 2004 to give schools greater flexibility in student admission,so as to allow a more diverse range of student ach
DSA–ADSS (Robotics Enterprise )
(For admission to Secondary One in 2009)
DSA-Sec is an MOE initiative which was introduced in 2004 to give schools greater flexibility in student admission,so as to allow a more diverse range of student achievements and talents (which may be in non-academic areas) to be recognised.One such aspect of non-academic talent is the knowledge and innovative skills in robotics and enterprise.Selected schools are given the flexibility to consider students with such non-academic talents to further develop their talents and interests.
Admiralty Secondary School ,established in 2002,is the youngest school to be awarded the status of a Niche-School,focusing on Robotics and Enterprise .
We have infused Robotics into some of our core subjects,such as Physics and Mathematics.Topics such as Speed-Distance,Kinematics and Moments are given fresh and authentic perspectives where students can test the theories through practical applications in real life.These stimulate the students and motivate them to tackle even more challenging concepts in Science and Mathematics.Our expertise in this area has also been shared with many other students and teachers through exchange programmes with Hong Kong ,India and Philippines .Our teachers have also been presenting papers at the ERAS Conference and NIE Conference to share ideas with fellow teachers.We are now exploring the possibilities of infusing Robotics into the teaching and learning of other curriculum subjects.
All our students are trained in Robotics and Entrepreneurial skills.Every student goes through a progressive,developmental training plan which culminates in the mastery of advanced skills in Robotics and Enterprise .
As part of the developmental plan,all Secondary One students undergo 10 hours of Robotics training,comprising of Lego Mindstorm and Robolab programming skills.The students are then prepared to participate in the intra-school Robotics Competition as well as the National Junior Robotics Competition (NJRC).
In the next phase of development,in Secondary Two,the students are given 10 hours of training on entrepreneurship.This culminates in a one-day mock bazaar where the students display and sell their ‘wares' to pseudo customers.Feedback is given on their profit/loss status.
In the final phase,in Secondary Three,the students are given 10 hours advanced training on Marketing.They are then given the chance to demonstrate what they have learnt through embarking on projects like 'Youth for Cause'
To fully establish the entrepreneurial skills acquired in Secondary 2 and 3,a platform has been created in Project Work to allow students to work in groups to conceptualise and develop business plans,make or acquire products,and to market and sell them.The profits go to charity and this will inculcate compassion in our students for the less fortunate.

英语翻译DSA–ADSS (Robotics Enterprise )(For admission to Secondary One in 2009)DSA-Sec is an MOE initiative which was introduced in 2004 to give schools greater flexibility in student admission,so as to allow a more diverse range of student ach
作为部分的发展计划,所有中学一学生接受10个小时的机器人技术培训,组成读mindstorm和robolab编程技巧.学生,然后准备参加在内部学校机器人技术的竞争,以及全国初中机器人比赛( njrc ) .
充分树立创业技能,获得了在中学第2和第3 ,一个平台,已建立在项目工作,让学生的工作组,构思和发展的业务计划,或收购产品,以及市场和销售.利润去慈善机构,这将灌输同情心,在我们的学生不那么幸运.

数字减影血管造影-美国存托股份(机器人技术企业) (入学的中一2009年)


数字减影血管造影-美国存托股份(机器人技术企业) (入学的中一2009年)
作为部分的发展计划,所有中学一学生接受10个小时的机器人技术培训,组成读mindstorm和robolab编程技巧。学生,然后准备参加在内部学校机器人技术的竞争,以及全国初中机器人比赛( njrc ) 。
充分树立创业技能,获得了在中学第2和第3 ,一个平台,已建立在项目工作,让学生的工作组,构思和发展业务计划,或收购产品,以及市场和销售。利润去慈善机构,这将灌输同情心,在我们的学生不那么幸运。

