句中为何要去掉 it 去了句子就不完整了吧?怎么改?developing new kind of green energy that it(去掉)can decrease maximum the waste and pollution.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:31:22

句中为何要去掉 it 去了句子就不完整了吧?怎么改?developing new kind of green energy that it(去掉)can decrease maximum the waste and pollution.
句中为何要去掉 it 去了句子就不完整了吧?怎么改?
developing new kind of green energy that it(去掉)can decrease maximum the waste and pollution.

句中为何要去掉 it 去了句子就不完整了吧?怎么改?developing new kind of green energy that it(去掉)can decrease maximum the waste and pollution.
把that it 一起去掉,其实去掉it 也可以就是原来的句子成为同位语从句,that只是起连接作用,要不要都可以,that前的所有成分做主语

that 后面一句充当定语从句 去掉it不会不完整 that 在定语从句中充当主语


首先要看看是什么意思     在问吧      这可能是一个词组     呢

句中为何要去掉 it 去了句子就不完整了吧?怎么改?developing new kind of green energy that it(去掉)can decrease maximum the waste and pollution. I returned coke bottles for the 5¥deposits to buy food with.这个with我觉得很多余去掉With难道句子就不完整了?我觉得很完整 you will find it hard to believe,but...写出完整的句子写出一个完整的句子就可以了 英语中是否有从句的,从句的成分是否必须完整?比如说It is the hospital which i was born .是错的?少了 in ,去掉这个in的话句子少了什么成分呢? the factory was built in what used to be a park.的 关于宾语从句问题就是这个句子的WHAT为什么不能改成THAT IT?THAT在宾语从句中是不做成分的.所以在USED前加个IT那句子完整了 不就可以用THAT了么?注:当 会讲英文的人士进.We always have time enough,if we will but use it aright.此句中but这个字应怎样去理解?相关grammar希望能告诉我.如果去掉but,就变成了We always have time enough,if we will use it aright.也讲得通啊 用最初逐渐最后造句短一些还要有“最后”,“最后”去哪了?楼下的句子不完整 we will ask an engineer to check it for you.请问此句中的for you不能去掉吗?ask sb to do sth 不就可以了嘛? 赞扬祖国的句子不多,就一两句就可以了.一定要围绕祖国 实验中导管为何要略露出橡皮塞那空气不就进去了吗 如何正确的英语发音英语音标我每一个都会念,但如果去拼一个完整的单词就不会了,自己也觉得拼的不准,更不要说念一个句子了,应该如何在完整单词和句子中发准英音呢? 既然他不欢迎,(这么)那么我就不去了.这个句子中为何不能用这么?既然他不欢迎,(这么)那么我就不去了.(句子中为何不能用这么?) 英语中从属连词前后是不是要跟着完整的句子?且从属连词在从句中不担任任何成分了? 帮忙分析几个英语句子~1.It was at school ____ he spent his chilhood这是一个强调句,横线处填that,但是这个句子在我不知道它到底是不是强调句是该怎么判断?一般来讲是去掉It was ..that如果还是完整 请问如何判断一个英语句子是否完整比如为什么it was in this factory that my father uesd to work in去掉 it was……that后句子仍完整 而it was this factory that my father used work in去掉后句子不完整呢?谢谢! 我读书读不下去比如读一本小说,我总是等不及不看完完整一个句子总是最后几个字就跳过去了,凭自己的感觉像是明白了句子的意思,实际上在好好读一遍的话发现我理解也不是太对. 也经常 -where did you get to know the professor over there?-It was at the workshop_________we did research together two years ago.A.thatB.where可是我选了Bit was.that去掉以后句子不是完整的吗? 英语翻译It didin't mention that its e-books of most best sellers cost a flat $10,compared with,for example,$25 for the same book in hardback这句话把compared with拿出来句子意思就不对了啊!去掉后句子意思就不成了啊!怎么