
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 13:54:05


What is the good and bad of surfing internet?
What is the most popular sports in China?
What kind of animals do you like best,and why?
Can you name a few provinces in China that you like visiting and why?
Tell me a bit of Chinese history from 1977-1997?
What kind of dogs (breed) do you like most and why?
Why Beijing,China was chosen to be the 2008 Olympic Country?How did the selection process work?
How much do Chinese people like about panda and why is it considered to be "treasure of China?

What things can harm the invironment?
What kind of pollution can you find in our daily life?
What kind of pollution harms our life most?
What do you think we should do to improve our invironment?
What has been done to solve these problems in our town?

statistics show that the way people live determines the way they eat.American life style have changed.


What do you want?

哪位好心人告诉我一些英语的问题(英文的!)快!有奖! 哪位好心人能够告诉我龙的样子,急用,谢了! 哪位好心人告诉我 孔子思想的缺陷 详细些谢谢 哪位好心人告诉我 孔子思想的缺陷 详细 谢谢 哪位好心人告诉我! 哪位好心人帮帮忙,写几片初二的英语作文.谢谢! 哪位好心人帮我写一份学英语的计划 上海理工大学附属中学的英文全名是什么?要官方的我没有积分.但是我急需这个问题的答案.哪位好心人告诉我下吧 哪位好心人告诉我学习中文的句子 .一句一句的那种~要有拼音和英语翻译的 英语最基本的一些问题我今年都要高一了 可是连初一的英语都没弄懂 哪位英语高手可以告诉我 什么是第三人称 还有一些句子那些顺序我也不懂{这个我最想搞懂} 代词 介词 副词 物主 月亮的光能比做什么?、柔和的、、哪位好心人快告诉我! 笑猫日记之想变成人的猴子,哪位好心人告诉我啊! 请问,哪位好心人能告诉我,幼儿园教室窗台的高度.应设置多少...谢谢..急! 哪位好心人告诉我chōng jǐng的中文是什么?急需! 初一语文导学与测评的全部答案是什么?哪位好心人告诉我? 哪位好心人可以告诉我保险装置的种类和工作原理!谢谢!急需! 这世界上真的有外星人吗?哪位好心人能告诉我啊! 有谁英语翻译好?我想在线问一些问题,哪位好心人帮帮忙噻,在线等哦,回答好的我会补分哦