”the intention of writing this letter to you is that I want to inform something to you.“感觉这个句子读起来乖乖的,谁能帮我完善一些这个句子?读起来怪怪的不是乖乖的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 00:25:32

”the intention of writing this letter to you is that I want to inform something to you.“感觉这个句子读起来乖乖的,谁能帮我完善一些这个句子?读起来怪怪的不是乖乖的
”the intention of writing this letter to you is that I want to inform something to you.“感觉这个句子读起来乖乖的,谁能帮我完善一些这个句子?

”the intention of writing this letter to you is that I want to inform something to you.“感觉这个句子读起来乖乖的,谁能帮我完善一些这个句子?读起来怪怪的不是乖乖的
to inform something to you 说法不对,而且句子有点罗嗦,
I am writing to tell you ...
I am writing to inform you ...
The reason for writing this is to inform you that ...
I am writing to inform you of my decision to apply for admission to another university.
The reason for writing this is to inform you that I have decided to apply to another university.

. . . I want to tell sth to you/tell you sth或者to inform you of sth

i am writing to inform you something. 语句简单化,没有native speaker 会像你哪样绕着说的 除非你要秀英语水平 但是这是中文的翻译思维太过简单化了,能不能说的比较与众不同点,显的更加真诚?To inform you of sth,i wrote this letter. 故事版
The intention of this letter i...


i am writing to inform you something. 语句简单化,没有native speaker 会像你哪样绕着说的 除非你要秀英语水平 但是这是中文的翻译思维


Out Of My Intention with the intention he said that he hasn't the least intention of hurting your feeling.的中文意思 i tried to tear away the show of sincerity covering his deceitful intention是什么意思.. Ten days ago the young man informed his boss of his intention to ________.填空 我们每周六晚上都去英语角以期待提高英语口语用with the intention of unless either of the parties give written notice to the other of its intention to not renew The shot which was ___for the President killed the Minister of Foreign Affairs.unintended intend intention 怎么填?为什么? variance in the overall intention怎么翻译?例句 :The results revealed that 20.4% of the variance in the overall intention of implementing E-commerce was significantly explained by three barrier variables at p I saw a man walking across the road with the obvious intention of talking to me.翻译句子 in order to=with the purpose=intention of doing sth 的用法和在句中的位置 start off with the intention怎么翻, Your intention for the position什么意思 I have the intention to love you 在轧钢机械中 The WR the state of a man's mind is as much a fact as the state of his digestion?出自business law,讲statement of intention的时候 To insist that a poem means whatever to mean is often the intention and the words of the poet.答案是改成to ignore为什么啊! The American people's _ of being polite is different form that of Chinese people.A.profession B.concept C.intention D.consequence