
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 11:21:16


1.to usher the wolf into the house
2.to bring in a troublemaker
3.to set a fox to keep one's geese
to eat like wolves and tigers; to devour like a wolf; to wolf ...down; to bolt; to devour; to gorge on; to gulp
1.to palter with something
2.careless; casual
3.just passable; not so bad,not so good; just so-so
1.to be black and blue all over; to be lacerated and bruised all over; to have serious wounds in every part of one's body
2.The whole body is covered with wounds.

引狼入室 Invite a wolf into house
狼吞虎咽 Gobble up
马马虎虎 So-so
遍体鳞伤 Black and blue all over

1.to usher the wolf into the house; to bring in a troublemaker; to set a fox to keep one's geese
2.to eat like wolves and tigers; to devour like a wolf; to wolf ... down; to bolt; to devour; to g...


1.to usher the wolf into the house; to bring in a troublemaker; to set a fox to keep one's geese
2.to eat like wolves and tigers; to devour like a wolf; to wolf ... down; to bolt; to devour; to gorge on; to gulp
3.to palter with something
4.to be black and blue all over; to be lacerated and bruised all over; to have serious wounds in every part of one's body


引狼入室Bring in dangerous foe
狼吞虎咽Devour voraciously
马马虎虎Just so so
遍体鳞伤Whole body covered with wounds