
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:41:06


工程师经常要对很长时间内的很多信号进行监测、画图和分析产生的数据.监测、记录和分析数据在大范围内的应用趋势上升,包括设计-检定产品发展状态、环境的监测、组成物的检验、benchtop 测试和处理故障检查.
1 多通路数:32(根据使用者的需要增长或减少)
2 扫描持续时间:由使用者决定,最快一秒种扫描32点
3 存储容量:20G(可能增加或减少)
4显示:(a)参数表 (b)历史趋势 (c)专栏图表
5 功能:实时监测、控制和报警
6 大体尺寸:50cm×50cm×72cm
数据采集技术在过去30到40年以来已经取得了很大的飞跃.举例来说,在 40 年以前,在一个著名的学院实验室中,为追踪用青铜做的坩埚中的温度上升情况的装置是由热电偶、继电器、查询台、一捆纸和一支铅笔.
不幸的是这种方法容易发生错误、采集数据变慢和需要太多的人工分析.此外,它只能单通道采集数据;但是当你使用多通道DMM时,系统将很快变得非常庞大和呆笨拙.精度取决于誊写器的水平,并且你可能需要自己动手依比例输入.举例来说, 如果DMM 没有配备处理温度的传感器,旧需要动手找比例.考虑到这些限制,只有当你需要实行一个快速实验时,它才是一个可接受的方法.
一些 benchtop DMMs 提供可选择的扫描能力.仪器的背面有一个槽孔接收一张在较多输入时能多重发讯的扫描仪卡片,通常是8到10通道的mux.固有的在仪器的前面嵌板中的受到限制.它的柔韧性也受到限制,因为它不能超过可用通道数.外部的PC机通常处理数据采集和分析.
数据电子自动记录仪是典型的单机仪器,一旦配备它们, 就能测量、记录和显示数据而不需要操作员或计算机参与.它们能够处理多信号输入,有时可达120通道. 精度可与无与伦比的台式 DMMs 匹敌,由于它在22字、 0.004个百分率的精度范围内运转.一些数据电子自动记录仪有能力按比例测量,检查结果不受使用者定义的限制,而且输出为控制作信号.
与PC机连接容易将数据传送到电脑进行进一步的分析.大多数数据电子自动记录仪可设计为柔性和简单的组态和操作, 而且经由电池包裹或其它方法,多数提供远程位置的操作选项.靠 A/ D 转换技术,一定的数据电子自动记录仪阅读的速率比较低,尤其是跟PC机插件卡片比较.然而,每秒250的阅读速率比较少见.要牢记正在测量的许多现象本质上是物理的,如温度、压力和流量,而且一般有较少的变动.此外,因为数据电子自动记录仪的监测精度,多量且平均阅读没有必要,就像它们经常在PC记插件卡片一样.
前端数据采集经常做成模块而且是典型地与PC机或控制器连接.他们被用于自动化的测试中,为其它测试装备采集数据、控制和循环检测信号.发送信号测试装备的零配件.前端运转的效率是非常高的,能与速度和精度与最好的单机仪器匹敌.前端数据采集在很多模型里都能运行,包括VXI版本,如Agilent E1419A 多功能测量和VXI控制模型,还有专有的卡片升降室.虽然前端器成本已经降低,但是这些系统可能会非常贵,除非你需要提供高的运转,而查找它们的价格是禁止的.另一方面,它们的确能够提供相当多的可挠性和测量能力.
•环境的测试; 环境的监测
1 系统跟我的应用匹配吗?
2 它的成本是多少?
3 它有多容易使用?
Selecting the Right Data Acquisition System
Engineers often must monitor a handful of signals over extended periods of time, and then graph and analyze the resulting data. The need to monitor, record and analyze data arises in a wide range of applications, including the design-verification stage of product development, environmental chamber monitoring, component inspection, benchtop testing and process trouble-shooting.
This application note describes the various methods and devices you can use to acquire, record and analyze data, from the simple pen-and-paper method to using today's sophisticated data acquisition systems. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each method and provides a list of questions that will guide you in selecting the approach that best suits your needs.
In geotechnical engineering, we sometime encounter some difficulties such as monitoring instruments distributed in a large area, dangerous environment of working site that cause some difficulty for easy access. In this case, operators may adopt remote control, by which a large amount of measured data will be transmitted to a observation room where the data are to be collected, stored and processed.
The automatic data acquisition control system is able to complete the tasks as regular automatic data monitoring, acquisition and store, featuring high automation, large data store capacity and reliable performance.
The system is composed of acquisition control system and display system, with the following features:
1. No. of Channels: 32 ( can be increased or decreased according to user's real needs.)
2. Scanning duration: decided by user, fastest 32 points/second
3. Store capacity: 20G( may be increased or decreased)
4. Display: (a) Table of parameter (b) History tendency (c) Column graphics.
5. Function: real time monitoring control, warning
6. Overall dimension: 50cm×50cm×72cm
Data acquisition systems, as the name implies, are products and/or processes used to collect information to document or analyze some phenomenon. In the simplest form, a technician logging the temperature of an oven on a piece of paper is performing data acquisition. As technology has progressed, this type of process has been simplified and made more accurate, versatile, and reliable through electronic equipment. Equipment ranges from simple recorders to sophisticated computer systems. Data acquisition products serve as a focal point in a system, tying together a wide variety of products, such as sensors that indicate temperature, flow, level, or pressure. Some common data acquistion terms are shown below:
Data acquisition technology has taken giant leaps forward over the last 30 to 40 years. For example, 40 years ago, in a typical college lab, apparatus for tracking the temperature rise in a crucible of sodiumtungsten- bronze consisted of a thermocouple, a bridge, a lookup table, a pad of paper and a pencil.
Today's college students are much more likely to use an automated process and analyze the data on a PC Today, numerous options are available for gathering data. The optimal choice depends on several factors, including the complexity of the task, the speed and accuracy you require, and the documentation you want. Data acquisition systems range from the simple to the complex, with a range of performance and functionality.
Pencil and paper
The old pencil and paper approach is still viable for some situations, and it is inexpensive, readily available, quick and easy to get started. All you need to do is hook up a digital multimeter (DMM) and begin recording data by hand.
Unfortunately, this method is error-prone, tends to be slow and requires extensive manual analysis. In addition, it works only for a single channel of data; while you can use multiple DMMs, the system will quickly becomes bulky and awkward. Accuracy is dependent on the transcriber's level of fastidiousness and you may need to scale input manually. For example, if the DMM is not set up to handle temperature sensors, manual scaling will be required. Taking these limitations into account, this is often an acceptable
method when you need to perform a quick experiment.
Strip chart recorder
Modern versions of the venerable strip chart recorder allow you to capture data from several inputs. They provide a permanent paper record of the data, and because this data is in graphical format, they allow you to easily spot trends. Once set up, most recorders have sufficient internal intelligence to run unattended — without the aid of either an operator or a computer. Drawbacks include a lack of flexibility and relatively low accuracy, which is often constrained to a few percentage points. You can typically perceive only small changes in the pen plots. While recorders perform well when monitoring a few channels over a long period of time, their value can be limited. For example, they are unable to turn another device on or off. Other concerns include pen and paper maintenance, paper supply and data storage, all of which translate into paper overuse and waste. Still, recorders are fairly easy to set up and operate, and offer a permanent record of the data for quick and simple analysis.
Scanning digital multimeter
Some benchtop DMMs offer an optional scanning capability. A slot in the rear of the instrument accepts a scanner card that can multiplex between multiple inputs, with 8 to 10 channels of mux being fairly common. DMM accuracy and the functionality inherent in the instrument's front panel are retained. Flexibility is limited in that it is not possible to expand beyond the number of channels available in the expansion slot. An external PC usually handles data acquisition and analysis.
PC plug-in cards
PC plug-in cards are single-board measurement systems that take advantage of the ISA or PCI-bus expansion slots in a PC. They often have reading rates as high as 100,000 readings per second. Counts of 8 to 16 channels are common, and acquired data is stored directly into the computer, where it can then be analyzed. Because the card is essentially part of the computer, it is easy to set up tests. PC cards also are relatively inexpensive, in part, because they rely on the host PC to provide power, the mechanical enclosure and the user interface.
Data acquisition options
In the downside, PC plug-in cards often have only 12 bits of resolution, so you can't perceive small variations with the input signal. Furthermore, the electrical environment inside a PC tends to be noisy, with high-speed clocks and bus noise radiated throughout. Often, this electrical interference limits the accuracy of the PC plug-in card to that of a handheld DMM .These cards also measure a fairly limited range of dc voltage. To measure other input signals, such as ac voltage, temperature or resistance, you may need some sort of external signal conditioning. Additional concerns include problematic calibration and overall system cost, especially if you need to purchase additional signal conditioning accessories or a PC to accommodate the cards. Taking that into consideration, PC plug-in cards offer an attractive approach to data acquisition if your requirements fall within the capabilities and limitations of the card.
Data loggers
Data loggers are typically stand-alone instruments that, once they are setup, can measure, record and display data without operator or computer intervention. They can handle multiple inputs, in some instances up to 120 channels. Accuracy rivals that found in standalone bench DMMs, with performance in the 22-bit, 0.004-percent accuracy range. Some data loggers have the ability to scale measurements, check results against user-defined limits, and output signals for control.
One advantage of using data loggers is their built-in signal conditioning. Most are able to directly measure a number of different inputs without the need for additional signal conditioning accessories. One channel could be monitoring a thermocouple, another a resistive temperature device (RTD) and still another could be looking at voltage.
Thermocouple reference compensation for accurate temperature measurement is typically built into the multiplexer cards. A data logger's built-in intelligence helps you set up the test routine and specify the parameters of each channel. Once you have completed the setup, data loggers can run as standalone devices, much like a recorder. They store data locally in internal memory, which can accommodate 50,000 readings or more.
PC connectivity makes it easy to transfer data to your computer for in-depth analysis. Most data loggers are designed for flexibility and simple configuration and operation, and many provide the option of remote site operation via battery packs or other methods. Depending on the A/D converter technique used, certain data loggers take readings at a relatively slow rate, especially compared to many PC plug-in cards. Still, reading speeds of 250 readings/second are not uncommon. Keep in mind that many of the phenomena being monitored are physical in nature — such as temperature, pressure and flow — and change at a fairly slow rate. Additionally, because of a data logger's superior measurement accuracy, multiple readings and averaging are not necessary, as they often are in PC plug-in solutions.
Data acquisition front ends
Data acquisition front ends are often modular and are typically connected to a PC or controller. They are used in automated test applications for gathering data and for controlling and routing signals in other parts of the test setup. Front end performance can be very high, with speed and accuracy rivaling the best standalone instruments. Data acquisition front ends are implemented in a number of formats, including VXI versions, such as the Agilent E1419A multifunction measurement and control VXI module, and proprietary card cages.. Although front-end cost has been decreasing, these systems can be fairly expensive, and unless you require the high performance they provide, you may find their price to be prohibitive. On the plus side, they do offer considerable flexibility and measurement capability.
Data Logger Applications
A good, low-cost data logger with moderate channel count (20 - 60 channels) and a relatively slow scan rate is more than sufficient for many of the applications engineers commonly face. Some key applications include:
• Product characterization
• Thermal profiling of electronic products
• Environmental testing; environmental monitoring
• Component characterization
• Battery testing
• Building and computer room monitoring
• Process monitoring, evaluation and troubleshooting No single data acquisition system works for all applications. Answering the following questions may help you decide which will best meet your needs:
1. Does the system match my application?
What is the measurement resolution, accuracy and noise performance? How fast does it scan? What transducers and measurement functions are supported? Is it upgradeable or expandable to meet future needs? How portable is it? Can it operate as a standalone instrument?
2. How much does it cost?
Is software included, or is it extra? Does it require signal conditioning add-ons? What is the warranty period? How easy and inexpensive is it to calibrate?
3. How easy is it to use?
Can the specifications be understood? What is the user interface like? How difficult is it to reconfigure for new applications? Can data be transferred easily to new applications? Which application packages are supported?
Data acquisition can range from pencil, paper and a measuring device, to a highly sophisticated system of hardware instrumentation and software analysis tools. The first step for users contemplating the purchase of a data acquisition device or system is to determine the tasks at hand and the desired output, and then select the type and scope of equipment that meets their criteria. All of the sophisticated equipment and analysis tools that are available are designed to help users understand the phenomena they are monitoring. The tools are merely a means to an end.