英语高手来,过去时改现在完成时句子.1、I came to this city when I was 10 years old2、This factory opened in 20003、The film started five minutes ago4、My father went to Beijing last month5、My brother joined the army three years ag

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:31:31

英语高手来,过去时改现在完成时句子.1、I came to this city when I was 10 years old2、This factory opened in 20003、The film started five minutes ago4、My father went to Beijing last month5、My brother joined the army three years ag
1、I came to this city when I was 10 years old
2、This factory opened in 2000
3、The film started five minutes ago
4、My father went to Beijing last month
5、My brother joined the army three years ago
6、The shop closed two months ago

英语高手来,过去时改现在完成时句子.1、I came to this city when I was 10 years old2、This factory opened in 20003、The film started five minutes ago4、My father went to Beijing last month5、My brother joined the army three years ag
1 I have been in this city since I was 10 years old
2 This factory has been open since 2000
3 The film has been on for five mintues.
4 My father has been in Beijing since last month.
5 My brother has been in the Army for three years.
6 The shop has been closed since two months ago.

I have been in the city since i was 10 years old
this factory has been opened since 2000
the film has been on for five minutes
my has gone to beijing since last month
my brother has been a member of the army fo three years
the shop has been closed fortwo months

英语高手来,过去时改现在完成时句子.1、I came to this city when I was 10 years old2、This factory opened in 20003、The film started five minutes ago4、My father went to Beijing last month5、My brother joined the army three years ag 英语现在完成时句子怎么改 英语改句子为过去时 找英语高手造句,111请帮我用:现在进行时、过去进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时、过去将来时.各早一个主动,被动的句子,(每句要用 take 这个单词造)谢谢! 英语句子中如有过去时的时间副词时,为什么不能用现在完成时 英语高手来关于现在完成时的问题现在完成时:have+延续性动词可直接加时间段 表示动作从过去到现在发生了多长一段时间但不会继续现在完成时:have+非延续性动词不能加时间段,把非延续 英语句子改现在完成时形式他到香港度假 英语时态弄混了(过去时和现在完成时)过去时和现在完成时 有些分不清、、大家帮忙说一下、、还有它们的构成、、谢谢了-、看到一个句子如何判断是过去式还是现在完成时、、、、 还 用过去进行时,现在完成时造2个句子 出现了ago 句子是用过去时还是现在完成时 句子后有before 用过去时还是现在完成时 请用英语写被动语态的一般现在时句子、现在进行时句子、现在完成时句子、一般过去时句子、过去进行时句子、过去完成时句子、一般将来时句子、过去将来时句子、情态动词被动语态 八年级英语题!去年政府已采取措施来减少污染 中译英 到底是用过去时还是现在完成时? 过去完成时的,(英语高手进)I have suffered poverty和I suffered poverty的区别,这里过去试和现在完成时的区别,一定要用这里的句子来做个区别,如果你举个例子类似的句子,来区别一下,汗说了跟没说一 英语 现在时 过去时 现在完成时的用法 英语:现在完成时、一般将来时、过去进行时的时间标志词 英语中,什么时候用现在完成时,什么时候用过去时?为什么? 英语过去进行时还和现在完成时的区别