“我喜欢旅游 因为可以使我开阔视野”英语的意思对就可以 尽量简单明了 还有“我崇拜的人是比尔盖次,喜欢他那不惧权威,乐于挑战的性格”也是意思差不多就行 尽量简洁 “我的座右铭是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:27:02

“我喜欢旅游 因为可以使我开阔视野”英语的意思对就可以 尽量简单明了 还有“我崇拜的人是比尔盖次,喜欢他那不惧权威,乐于挑战的性格”也是意思差不多就行 尽量简洁 “我的座右铭是
“我喜欢旅游 因为可以使我开阔视野”英语的意思对就可以 尽量简单明了
还有“我崇拜的人是比尔盖次,喜欢他那不惧权威,乐于挑战的性格”也是意思差不多就行 尽量简洁

“我喜欢旅游 因为可以使我开阔视野”英语的意思对就可以 尽量简单明了 还有“我崇拜的人是比尔盖次,喜欢他那不惧权威,乐于挑战的性格”也是意思差不多就行 尽量简洁 “我的座右铭是
我喜欢旅游 因为可以使我开阔视野
I like travelling because it can broaden my horizons.
I inspire Bill Gates for he is not afraid of the authority and his risk loving character.
My motto is
I will do my best to conquer this job as quickly as i can.

"I like to travel because I can broaden our horizons," the meaning of the English can be as simple as possible to understand I would like to thank the
And "I worship the people are covered, Bill, ...


"I like to travel because I can broaden our horizons," the meaning of the English can be as simple as possible to understand I would like to thank the
And "I worship the people are covered, Bill, like his fear authority, happy to challenge the character" is also meant to be concise on almost
"My motto is 。。。。"
"I will as soon as I do my best to competence to the job"

感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。
我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 "I like to travel because I can broaden our horizons," the meaning of the English can be as simple as possible to understand I would like to thank the

And "I worship the people are covered, Bill, like his fear authority, happy to challenge the character" is also meant to be concise on almost

"My motto is 。。。。"

"I will as soon as I do my best to competence to the job"



“我喜欢旅游 因为可以使我开阔视野”英语的意思对就可以 尽量简单明了 还有“我崇拜的人是比尔盖次,喜欢他那不惧权威,乐于挑战的性格”也是意思差不多就行 尽量简洁 “我的座右铭是 因为书籍可以让我开阔视野 英文翻译 开阔视野 英文我托福口语非常喜欢说开阔视野,请问正确的开阔视野应该怎么说呢? “我的爱好是画画,因为我觉得画画能可以锻炼动手能力,想象力,还可以开阔视野,开阔灵感,画画会让我感到 俗话说XXX,的确,旅游可以使我们开阔视野,增长知识求XXX 英语翻译读书增长了我的知识,还开阔了我的视野.可以使我了解到世界各地有趣的事.使我有了更扎实的写作功底.所以我喜欢读书. 我喜欢旅游.英语怎么说 开阔视野英语怎么说 英语开阔视野怎么说 1.我可以在电影中学到一些东西.2.我可以在电影中开阔视野.3.电影可以令我很兴奋.这些用英语怎么说? 英语翻译我的兴趣很广泛,像是书法、乐器、游泳、旅游等等.书法能够修身养性,乐器能陶冶情操,游泳能增强体魄,旅游能开阔视野. “读万卷书,行万里路”旅游可以使我们眼界开阔,当我荡舟西湖,不禁想起苏轼的哪诗句? “读书万卷,行万里书”,旅游可以使我们眼界开阔,当我荡舟西湖,不禁想起苏轼“ ,”的诗句 我可以开阔我的眼界用英语怎么说? 我喜欢旅游的英语怎么说? 我喜欢去旅游用英语怎么说 辩论赛:正方:读万卷书开阔视野,反方:行万里路开阔视野(我是反方),请给我相应的资料. 翻译:我喜欢旅游