如何写好topic sentence

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:35:06

如何写好topic sentence
如何写好topic sentence

如何写好topic sentence
其实写英语和写中文一样每句都要有一个中心句不是第一句就是最后一句老外很喜欢开门见山 所以喜欢放在手句我无法用有限的文字 告诉你中心句怎么写 你可以多多练习一下
其实就是你的概括总结能力和英语没有直接关系我在国外上学 经常写论文老外很注重结构 文字是否优美一点都不重要
你的structure一定要 很紧凑 很连贯

1) Participation in college sports is beneficial.
2) Motion pictures should be censored.
3) People could make a better use of their leisure time.
4) China should take a stronger role in world affairs.
5) Studying a foreign language is useful.
6) Online education is becoming more important every year.

如何写好topic sentence topic sentence怎么写? 怎样写topic outline and sentence outline topic sentence是什么? 怎么选好topic sentence 【求助】用英语写一段paragraph帮我用英语写一段paragraph topic是my hobby 不用写太多大概10句话就好 需要明确要有一个topic sentence,3个support sentence和3个detail/example sentence去证明3个support 最后结尾 topic sentence 和Topical sentence 区别 根据给出的信息写英语作文. 根据绿色方框内的信息,写Topic sentence和Supporting sentence. 1许多人喜欢在除夕观看春节晚会.2各校校园正在成为旅游新热点 根据中文写一个topic sentence 以及topic 和controlling ideas 谁能帮我写一段英语作文,10句话就好,最重要的是topic sentence and conclusion sentence.do you prefer to eat healthy food or junk food?why?your paragraph should include:what kind of foods?where do you buy/ get it?How often do you eat i 谁能帮我 写篇 英语作文第一单元A topic sentence expresses the main idea concerning the topic of the paragraph .A topic sentence is usually a general sentence.It starts the main idea,gives clues to the development of the main idea of the write the topic sentence write the supporting sentence write the concluding sentence 我要写一篇essay,加拿大阿卡迪亚人为什么被英国人驱逐的原因!请大家帮我提提意见,怎么样写好,英语essay写的不多,不怎么会写!我的Topic Sentence 是Why Britain expel Acandians!要写5段,第一段介绍,中 有谁会写sentence topic的!英文的!论文题目是:电影字幕常见错误分析,帮我写一个英文的sentence topic!大爷的,这是啥玩意啊,我都没上课啊,说错了,是写一个sentence outline啊!知道达人都去哪了? 如何在托福写作中打造漂亮的topic sentence 如何在托福写作中打造漂亮的topic sentence the topic sentence of the first paragraph is Underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.翻译它