
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:15:34

“模糊”的概念和理论自提出后的几十年里,人们对模糊语言进行了系统的描述性研究.商务活动一贯要求明确具体的语言,模糊语言在商务活动中的研究一直是一个被忽视的方面.本文尝试从商务谈判的角度对模糊语言进行描述解释,旨在寻求以下两个问题的答案:在商务谈判中人们为什么会使用到模糊语言?在商务谈判中,模糊语言为什么不一定导致误解却能促成谈判的顺利进行?通过分析文章: 商务谈判与通常的言语交际存在很大的差别,在通常的言语交际中,说话人是尽量表达清楚,让听话人尽可能容易地明白自己的言语内容,而在商务谈判中,谈判人员是尽量隐含信息,决不轻易坦言自己的真实思想.所以商务谈判中使用模糊语言的间接动机是礼貌,而直接根本的动机则是让谈判对手意识到本方的交际意图,即获得语境效果.因此,尽管模糊语言具有所指不确定性,但也并不一定会导致误解.从某种程度上来说,商务谈判中使用模糊语言并不是为了传达意思而是为了暗示隐含的意图.
关键词: 商务谈判 模糊语言 语用功能 语用策略

Abstract “fuzzy” concept and theory after in statement several dozens years,the people have conducted system's descriptive research to the fuzzy language.The commercial activity consistent request is clear about the specific language,the fuzzy language in commercial activity's research has been one aspect which neglects.This article attempts from the commercial negotiations angle carries on the description to the fuzzy language to explain that is for the purpose of seeking the following two questions the answer:The people will use the fuzzy language why in the commercial negotiations?In the commercial negotiations,why does the fuzzy language not necessarily cause the misunderstanding actually to be able to facilitate the negotiations smooth advance?Through analysis article:The commercial negotiations and the usual spoken language human relations existence very big difference,in the usual spoken language human relations,the storyteller is expresses as far as possible clearly,lets the being obedient person allow to move as far as possible understood that own spoken language content,but in the commercial negotiations,the negotiations personnel conceals the information as far as possible,speaks frankly easily in no way own real thought.Therefore in the commercial negotiations uses the fuzzy language the indirect motive is politeness,but the direct basic motive is lets the negotiations match realize we's human relations intention,namely obtains the linguistic environment effect.Therefore,although the fuzzy language has refers to the uncertainty,but not necessarily will also cause the misunderstanding.From some kind of degree,in the commercial negotiations uses the fuzzy language is not to transmit the meaning,but to suggest the concealed intention.key word:The commercial negotiations fuzzy language spoken language uses the strategy with the function language

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