
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 13:03:57


This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.
Businesses are still slow to hire and unemployment remains near ten percent.But an economic research group reported this week that the recession in the United States ended in June of last year.
It was the longest since the nineteen thirties.
James Stock is on the committee that dates the rises and falls of the business cycle for the National Bureau of Economic Research.The Harvard professor says this recession was in some ways a lot like others since World War Two.
JAMES STOCK:"I think what I’ve been struck by is how these numbers basically look like all the other recessions we've had in the postwar period."
But one difference was the length -- eighteen months.Many recessions since the nineteen forties lasted less than a year.
Another difference was the severity.The economy shrank by more than four percent.About eight million people lost their jobs.
Professor Stock thinks job growth is likely to increase in the coming months based on current levels of productivity.
JAMES STOCK:"I think that we are at a point right now where productivity has increased so much that for output to continue to grow,we will be seeing increases in hiring."
Some economic signs have improved.Manufacturing,industrial production and consumer spending have made small gains.But a Labor Department report shows that new claims for unemployment insurance rose unexpectedly last week.
On Monday,President Obama took questions at a meeting shown on CNBC television.One questioner wondered if today's young Americans still could hope for a good life.
QUESTIONER:"What I'm really hoping to hear from you is several concrete steps that you're going to take moving forward that will be able to re-ignite my generation,re-ignite the youth who are beset by student loans.And I really want to know,is the American Dream dead for me?"
BARRACK OBAMA:"Absolutely not.Look,we still have the best universities in the world.We’ve got the most dynamic private sector in the world.We've got the most productive workers in the world.There is not a country in the world that would not want to change places with us."
But the economy could change the balance of power in Congress in the November elections.
Critics say the president's economic stimulus programs have only put the country deeper in debt.Economists disagree about the extent to which the spending has helped.But many agree that the president's policies avoided a worse situation.
Or,as Mr.Obama put it at the United Nations on Thursday:"The global economy has been pulled back from the brink of a depression."
In Washington,central bank policy makers said inflation remains low.In fact,they said it may be too low to support their aims for price and wage stability.
And,Lawrence Summers,director of the president's National Economic Council,said he will leave at the end of the year to return to Harvard University.
And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report,written by Mario Ritter.I’m Steve Ember.

There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. Nevertheless, different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This happens mainly for t...


There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. Nevertheless, different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This happens mainly for the reason that everyone has his own interest.
As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher chiefly for three reasons. First of all, I want to teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar. Two long vacations offer an opportunity for reflection, research and writing. Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, and to stimulate myself and my students. Moreover, I have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will find myself growing and changing with them.
To be a teacher ,I need to learn to do many things.First, I must prepare all that I will teach, during which process I myself learn a lot. Secondly, I must find ways of helping my students to understand their assignments.Thirdly, I must then try to understand and respond in a helpful way to my students' ideas. Fourthly, I must force myself to be creative, because if I deliver a boring lesson, my students will feel bored. And to be creative, I must learn more.
Moreover, a teacher's job is not (and does not need to be) a routine. If you find yourself bored with doing the same thing over and over again, you have only yourself to blame.This is because a teacher has a great deal more independence and control over what he does than many other professionals do.Also, you may find teaching a "people job." It involves interacting with students and helping them to interaet With each other. A good teacher will make his ideas alive, and will awaken idea in the ininds Of his students, In the process, he will benefit by getting to know his stttitents and their ways of thinking.
有很多种的世界,写作、 护理、 教学和工程等工作。不过,不同的人选择了不同的工作,为自己理想的职业生涯。这种情况发生,主要原因每个人都有他自己的利益。就我而言,我主意已定我成为一名教师,主要原因有三个。首先,我想教书,是因为我喜欢学术日历的步伐。两个长假机会思考、 研究和写作。第二,我想教书,是因为我喜欢自由,使我自己的错误,我自己的教训,并刺激我和我的学生。此外,我已不断学习的机会。最后,我想教书,是因为被周围的学生正在开始增长,并更改在我的面前,我会找到自己的成长和改变着他们。若要当一名老师,我要学着去做很多事情。首先,我必须准备好所有我想教书,是因为被周围的学生正在开始增长,并更改在我的面前,我会找到自己的成长和改变着他们。若要当一名老师,我要学着去做很多事情。首先,我必须准备好所有我教你,在这过程中,我学到很多。第二,我必须找到帮助我的学生,了解他们的工作分配的方法。第三,我必须再试着理解和响应中有用,我的学生的想法。第四,我必须强迫自己去有创意,因为如果我提供一个无聊的教训,我的学生们会觉得厌烦。勇于创新,必须了解更多。此外,教师的工作 (并不不一定要) 例程。如果您发现自己厌倦了一次次地做同样的事情,你也只能怪自己。这是因为教师有更大的独立性和对他做比许多其他专业人士的控制。此外,您可能会发现教学人工作。它涉及到与学生进行交互,并帮助他们对彼此的 interaet。一位好老师会使他的思想还活着,并会唤醒他的学生,在过程中的 ininds 的想法,他将会受益,了解他的 stttitents 和他们的思维方式。


现实是残酷的 哥们 自己写吧、、、、学习是你自己的事情 不要偷懒



