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英语六年级下册四会单词及句型 Unit 1
taller shorter stronger older younger bigger 更高的 更矮的 更强壮的 年龄跟大的 更年轻的 (体型)更大的 Heavier longer thinner smaller
更重的 更长的 更瘦的 (体型)更小的
How tall are you?你有多高?
I’m 164 cm tall.我146厘米高.You’re shorter than me.你比我矮.
You’re 4 cm taller than me.你比我矮4厘米.How heavy are you?你多重?I’m 48 kg 我48千克.
I’m thinner than you,and shorter.我比你瘦,和矮.
Unit 2
Have a fever hurt have a cold have a toothache 发烧 疼痛 感冒;伤风 牙疼
Have a headche have a sore throat matter sore 头痛 喉咙痛 事情;麻烦 痛的 Noes tired excited happy bored angry 鼻子 疲劳的;累的 兴奋的 高兴的 无聊的;烦人的 生气的;愤怒的 Sad
What’s the matter?怎么了?
My throat is sore.My nose hurts.我的喉咙痛.鼻子也痛.
How are you,Liu Yun?You look so happy.刘芸?你看上去很开心.How are you,Sarah?You look sad today.萨拉?你今天去很伤心.
Unit 3
Watched TV washed the clothes cleaned the room 看电视(过去时) 洗衣服(过去时) 打扫房间(过去时) played football visited grandparents went swimming 踢足球(过去时) 看望外祖母(过去时) 去游泳(过去时) went to a park read a book went fishing
去公园(过去时) 读一本书(过去时) 去钓鱼(过去时) went hiking
What did you so last weekend?你上个星期做了什么?I played football.我去踢足球.
Did you read books?你有看书吗?Yes,I did./No,I didn’t.有./没有.
Unit 4
learned Chinese sang and danced ate good food
学习中文(过去时) 跳舞和唱歌(过去时) 吃好吃的食物(过去时) took pictures climbed a mountain bought presents 拍照片(过去时) 爬一座山(过去时) 买礼物(过去时) rowed a boat saw elephants went skiing
划小船(过去时) 看大象(过去时) 去滑雪(过去时) went ice-skating
Where did you go on your holiday?这个假日你去哪里了?I went to Xinjiang.我去了新疆.
How did you go there?你怎么去那里的?I went by train.我坐火车去.