
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:27:49


On a very boring day,Alice had a dream in the dream she saw a very strange rabbit.The rabbit leaped into a hole and disappeared; Alice thought it was strange so she followed it.In the hole she encountered many strange adventures,like a bottle of water label “drink me”,ate a few snacks,which could all make Alice grow bigger or smaller.She met a very grumpy mouse,a queen who loves to chop off people’s head.Unknowingly Alice became the witness and when the queen was about to chop off her head,Alice’s dream ended.After reading this I thought of how courageous Alice was and isn’t that what we,in the real world lack?

Have done a dream in a dull day , Ailisi. The
dream has been hit by , she has dreamt about
queer one rabbit, from a hole has been
springing li to go in , also and Ailisi has
been g...


Have done a dream in a dull day , Ailisi. The
dream has been hit by , she has dreamt about
queer one rabbit, from a hole has been
springing li to go in , also and Ailisi has
been getting queer, to go over. Middle , she
have experienced for instance , having drunk
water inside my "bottle a lot of weirdie from
the hole, have eaten a few desserts , there
having been Rangailisi changed into big or
changeable minor possibility; Meet the mouse
one spoiling a temperament; See a queen who
likes to chop others's head; Under the
situation of knowing the facts not in the
least, Ailisi has served as witness. When the
head who needs to chop off Ailisi right away
in the queen, Ailisi's dream has been over.
Finish watching this masterpiece queen, I have
thought of Ailisi's braveness , have lived in
reality to be hit by our absence's not to
exactly be brave?


In the boredom of the day, Alice made a dream. Dream, dream about her
Of a strange rabbit from a jump into the hole, Alice felt strange, but also with the past. From the hole, she experienced a l...


In the boredom of the day, Alice made a dream. Dream, dream about her
Of a strange rabbit from a jump into the hole, Alice felt strange, but also with the past. From the hole, she experienced a lot of strange things,
For example, drinking, "I drink" bottle of water, eat some snacks you have
Let Alice larger or smaller possible case of a bad-tempered old
Mouse; slashed like others to see a head of the queen in the ignorant
Under the circumstances, Alice as a witness. In the Queen to cut off Alice
First, Alice's dream to an end.
Read this masterpiece, I thought of Alice's bravery, in real life, we
It is not a lack of courage?


中译英,在无聊的一天,爱丽丝做了一个梦.梦中,她梦到了一只奇怪的的兔子,从一个洞里跳了进去,爱丽丝见着奇怪,也跟了过去.从洞中,她经历了许多怪事,比如喝了喝我瓶子里的水,吃了一些点 英语翻译人的一生中都做过梦,唯有爱丽丝做的梦很奇特.这本书讲了爱丽丝做的两个梦,一个是爱丽丝发现了一只兔子,跟着进了兔子洞,发生了许多奇怪的事情,还有一个是讲爱丽丝在镜子里,镜 在做《献给爱丽丝》时有背景吗?有没有一个很美的故事? 开始了无聊的一天英语怎么说 《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》英文读后感今天我看了《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》这本书. 故事写一个名叫爱丽丝的女孩在打瞌睡时,突然看见一只穿衣服的白兔跑过去.爱丽丝跟着兔子跌进了一个黑 英语翻译是一本童话书,它的主人公是一个非常可爱的小女孩名叫爱丽丝.故事讲的是爱丽丝在做梦时发生的奇奇怪怪的事.爱丽丝先掉进兔子洞,于是就进入了神奇的世界.爱丽丝喝下一小瓶饮 描写一天很无聊的句子从白天起床到一天做的无聊的事再到晚上睡觉的句子.. 帮忙用英语翻一下 作文我的一天 在寒假里,我的每一天都很简单,也很无聊.由于放假,所以我每天八点半起,九点洗漱完后,我会帮助妈妈做一个多小时的家务.做完家务我可以写一会了,看上 求搞笑的英语句子,英语剧本用!再过不久就是英语汇演了,我们班演的是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,场景一就是爱丽丝在看书嘛,我觉得有点无聊就打算添一些搞笑的句子,然后念出来.但一直想不到, 一天在家无聊,就做了个电解水的实验,用一个插着两根绣花针的小胶瓶,接上废旧电池,负极在冒一堆白色气泡状东东,正极变化,然后闻到一股类似浓香水的味道,肺有点不舒服,那是不是氯气的 《致爱丽丝》在哪里写的?地点 谁能告诉我在无聊的时候该做什么 我我我我我!我无聊-我很无聊-我非常无聊-我他妈的无聊-无聊无聊无聊无聊!好吧,我做任务= 英语日记 我的无聊的一天 用英语写“今天天气不错,下着小雨,不过我很无聊一直在看书,又过了无聊的一天”我本来要写英语日记的可是不会希望你们能给翻译谢谢! 今天真是无聊的一天 英语怎么说? 英语 昨天真是无聊的一天怎么说 英语翻译:又是无聊的一天