新GRE逻辑单题10套 第4套7题,求教.Each of two particular inspection systems that are basedon different principles would detect all product flaws butwould also erroneously reject three percent of flawlessproducts.Assuming there is no overlap

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新GRE逻辑单题10套 第4套7题,求教.Each of two particular inspection systems that are basedon different principles would detect all product flaws butwould also erroneously reject three percent of flawlessproducts.Assuming there is no overlap
新GRE逻辑单题10套 第4套7题,求教.
Each of two particular inspection systems that are based
on different principles would detect all product flaws but
would also erroneously reject three percent of flawless
products.Assuming there is no overlap between the
products erroneously rejected by the two systems and
also no interference between the systems if both operate,
using both systems and rejecting only those products
found flawed by both would be a way of avoiding all
erroneous rejections.
Which of the following most precisely characterizes the
reasoning in the argument?
(A)The reasoning is conclusive,that is,the conclusion
cannot be false if the statements offered in its
support are true.
using both systems and rejecting only those products
found flawed by both would be a way of avoiding all
erroneous rejections.

新GRE逻辑单题10套 第4套7题,求教.Each of two particular inspection systems that are basedon different principles would detect all product flaws butwould also erroneously reject three percent of flawlessproducts.Assuming there is no overlap

but would also erroneously reject three percent of flawless products会错误的抛弃...


but would also erroneously reject three percent of flawless products会错误的抛弃3%的次品?
是 flawless 不是次品,flaw是有有问题的,flawless是本来没问题,但是机器检验错了,认为是有问题的东西,这个是正品,不该被reject的



新GRE逻辑单题10套 第4套7题,求教.Each of two particular inspection systems that are basedon different principles would detect all product flaws butwould also erroneously reject three percent of flawlessproducts.Assuming there is no overlap GRE逻辑10套第4套12题12.The organizers of tomorrow's outdoor concertannounced that it will go on tomorrow on scheduleunless bad weather is forecast or too few advancetickets are sold.If the concert is canceled,refundswill be made to ticket holde GRE有没有逻辑单题 陈向东最新GRE数学预测模拟试题第二套第24题是不是缺条件? 新GRE逻辑题怎么解啊? 如何应对新GRE逻辑题 如何应对新GRE逻辑题 请问新东方的新gre 阅读理解36套是历年的真题改变的吗 新GRE陈虎平阅读36套答案有错误?exercise1里面第八题选什么?为什么笔记答案是c, 一道GRE逻辑题求教No.6第三套题的一道逻辑题:Nursing homes range from three to five stories in height. If a nursing home room is above the first floor, it has a fire escape. If the above statements are true, which of the following mus GRE pp2 第二套题GRE pp2软件听说包含两套题,请问怎么调出第二套题? 求解新GRE《阅读逻辑10套》EX4第五题的D选项!People who engage in scuba diving are healthier,on average,than people who do not engage in this activity.Therefore,scuba diving tends to promote improved health.The argument is most vulnerabl 请问GRE阅读应该做那些练习啊?新的GRE啊,往年的真题还可以用不?套题怎么编啊? 谁有国家普通话水平测试题,第4套和第20套的音频呀,要前面单音节词和多音节词的.麻烦给我一份, 新GRE阅读每篇文章怎么分配时间啊?我老g阅读已经刷完一遍了,每个section1长1短耗时17分钟,11个题目基本能保证在错3-4个.但是今天第一次做新gre阅读36套,感觉时间完全不够用啊,36套里的第一个 新GRE陈虎平阅读36套答案有没有有错误的地方?如题,感觉看答案和笔记解释对不上号啊? dnf第4套天空套怎么合 gre的模拟软件powerprep第二套题的难度是根据第一套题的正确率出的还是说一共只有一套题?