
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:03:29


I still love you,though uttered that hate you,in fact,I just want to use this as a way to alleviate their suffering,yes,I can be very selfish ..I really love love you ,The former I naive to think that we will go hand in hand last,but now I began to fear that,over the last year you told me to establish a sense of security,even in 12 days,you were destroyed,why then you have to Cruel »is what I had done something wrong Mody you have to punish so I can not« Perhaps these have been unimportant ...I now just want to quiet a static ...we think is the need to continue to go .....

I still keep loving deeply you, although the mouth up says that dislike you, in fact I just want to use thus of a kind of method to ease am very selfish towards ownly distressing, yes, I..Can I love t...


I still keep loving deeply you, although the mouth up says that dislike you, in fact I just want to use thus of a kind of method to ease am very selfish towards ownly distressing, yes, I..Can I love to love you very much really, past of I innocently think that we would hold hands to walk till the last, but now of my beginning frightened, this in the last years you build up hard to me of the safe feeling unexpectedly was ruined by you within 12 days, why do you want to be so cruel?BE that I do amiss what Yao you don't want to punish so me can't?Probably these all already of no account...I want to calm down just now...Think whether we have a necessity to continue to stand down or not.....


i still love you deeply,though i say i dont like you,just to relieve my pain,yes,i am too selfish...but i really love you,i think like a child that we will forever with each other ago,but now i begin ...


i still love you deeply,though i say i dont like you,just to relieve my pain,yes,i am too selfish...but i really love you,i think like a child that we will forever with each other ago,but now i begin to afraid,the safe felling that i have builted for one year breaked by you just in two days,why you so cruel?is anything wrong i have made,let you to punish me?maybe this is not important anymore...i just want to be calm...to think weather we should go on or not.....


Though I sometimes express my dislike of you , which is just a selfish way to protect myself not to be so painful. Yes ,in fact,I love you so much ,so deeply . you may don’t know that not once I’ve na...


Though I sometimes express my dislike of you , which is just a selfish way to protect myself not to be so painful. Yes ,in fact,I love you so much ,so deeply . you may don’t know that not once I’ve naively thought of our future , I thought we could be together one year , two years ,100years , and until the sea went dry .But now, I lost confidence ; I began to fear. I want to ask why you have been so cruel to destroy the sense of security you have established to me over the last year at one time ? Have I done something wrong that made you give me so dispiteous punishment ?
Maybe all that have been meaningless……all I want is just a rest so that I can look over the road we have walked together and decide whether there’s any necessary to continue this love ……
p.s. Love is a trade , heart for heart . No matter how hard time you have now ,please learn to communicate with him or her. Long live your love !


英语翻译我还是深爱着你的,虽然嘴上说讨厌你,其实我只是想用这样的一种方式来减轻对自己的伤痛,是的,我很自私..可我真的很爱很爱你,以前的我天真的以为我们会携手走到最后,可是现在 英语翻译我依然深爱着你 永远 用英语翻译“你清楚吗?我一直深爱着你” 我讨厌你 英语翻译 英语翻译我爱你,就像你深爱着我一样. 英语翻译要英文的 不要中文的希望贴切一点 我不懂英文 最佳答案投票决定中文翻译是这样的 有一个我深爱着的女人,虽然我不能和她在一起,不过,我仍然深爱着她…… 虽然装作毫不在乎的样子 但其实是深爱着你的 英语怎么说 虽然你不在乎我,但我依然深爱着你.能够天天见到你我已心满意足…用英语怎么说? 虽然我讨厌你 ,但我庆幸是你 .别人给我发的 , 谁帮我把虽然你不在我身边,但是我依然深爱着你.翻译成英文 “我深爱着一个女孩,现在虽然不能和她在一起.但,我还深爱着她.” 请用英文翻译我永远深爱着你 我还深爱着你.英文怎么写? 我深爱着你用英语怎么说 你是不是讨厌我! 最准确的英语翻译 放开她,放不开我的心我爱她.在今年夏天.她是女生,我也是女生.若爱一个人你会觉得对方也爱你;若讨厌一个人,也会认为对方也讨厌你,即使对方多么深爱着你.也许正是如此吧,我总觉得她也喜 英语翻译亲爱的宝宝:情人节快乐,新年快乐,礼物希望你能喜欢.亲爱的,非常感谢你能和我牵手共度了793天的美好时光.这之间你哭过笑过后悔过背叛过,但最终你还是在我身边,深爱着我!宝宝, 英语翻译亲爱的宝宝:情人节快乐,新年快乐,礼物希望你能喜欢.亲爱的,非常感谢你能和我牵手共度了793天的美好时光.这之间你哭过笑过后悔过背叛过,但最终你还是在我身边,深爱着我!宝宝,