谁用英文帮我解释一下下面的概念 要英文的解释,1.vicious circle of poverty advantage2.non-alignment movement3.import substitution policy4.economic integration5.gershenkron's theory of the latecomers'6.flying geese model of east asia

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:42:45

谁用英文帮我解释一下下面的概念 要英文的解释,1.vicious circle of poverty advantage2.non-alignment movement3.import substitution policy4.economic integration5.gershenkron's theory of the latecomers'6.flying geese model of east asia
谁用英文帮我解释一下下面的概念 要英文的解释,
1.vicious circle of poverty advantage
2.non-alignment movement
3.import substitution policy
4.economic integration
5.gershenkron's theory of the latecomers'
6.flying geese model of east asia
7.shallow financing
8.highly leveraged financingi

谁用英文帮我解释一下下面的概念 要英文的解释,1.vicious circle of poverty advantage2.non-alignment movement3.import substitution policy4.economic integration5.gershenkron's theory of the latecomers'6.flying geese model of east asia
我甚至都怀疑你是不是也是GSIS的学生了……= =
In the model "The vicious circle of poverty" the link between lack of capital and underdevelopment is emphasized.The theory of the vicious circle of poverty can be used both at the national and individual levels and the circle starts all over again with a situation where the nation does not have money.This process goes on and on.有个图,带不上了~抱歉~
抱歉我也米有~我也在寻找中……= =
Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) is a trade and economic policy based on the premise that a country should attempt to reduce its foreign dependency through the local production of industrialized products.
Economic integration is a term used to describe how different aspects between economies are integrated.As economic integration increases,the barriers of trade between markets diminish.
The backwardness model is a theory of economic growth created by Alexander Gerschenkron.The model postulates that the more backward an economy is at the outset of economic development,the more likely certain conditions are to occur.In the early stage of economic development,rapid economic growth can be achieved by utilizing well-established technologies from advanced countries,taking the “advantages of relative backwardness” as theorized by gershenkron.As Gershenkron pointed out,the greater the backlog of technical innovations that the backward country can adopt from the more advanced country,the greater is possibility of successful industrialization.
7、Under shallow finance,the real interest rate can be low or negative which discourages investment; governments have inadvertently adopted shallow finance by capping interest rates to encourage investment; however,capping the nominal interest rate will discourage saving (especially if there is inflation,which deduces the real interest rate); as a result,there is a both a shortage of investment funds and a misallocation of available investment funds.
8、好吧……这个也没有……= =

5."gershenkron" (What's this?)

谁用英文帮我解释一下下面的概念 要英文的解释,1.vicious circle of poverty advantage2.non-alignment movement3.import substitution policy4.economic integration5.gershenkron's theory of the latecomers'6.flying geese model of east asia 帮我解释一下这段英文的意思. 我真的不会放弃你帮我用英文解释一下 谁能帮我用英文解释一下企业管理的概念是什么?不好意思没说清楚,就是解释下企业管理是干什么的, 出口外汇核销单的英文定义如题,谁可以帮我用英文解释一下出口外汇核销单的定义, 谁帮我解释一下下面这个图的意思, 请帮我解释一下“意识形态”的概念,通俗一点最好. 帮我解释下下面英文的意思如图 帮我把下面的字打成英文扬韵疑 歌手的英文解释一下 谁帮我解释一下步进驱动器上面的一些英文缩写是什么意思?谁帮我解释一下步进驱动器上面的一些英文缩写是什么意思?上面有一些,比如sw1-8,我知道是拨码开关,还有在指示灯旁边有一个 谁能帮我解释一下VoIP,英文的, 谁能帮我解释一下下面这张图里面的英文是什么意思,只看懂了一点啊. 谁帮我解释一下“善意取得”的概念何为“善意取得”? 请帮我解释一下“野战勤务”的中文意思.英文释义“Field Service”供大家参考. 这张图怎么去掉字?帮我把上面的英文和下面的英文都去掉, 解释一下我们怎样并且为什么要相信 乔布斯是一位伟大的企业家和发明家?用英文帮我回答下我会追加分数! 合同的英文概念