
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 10:22:36


1. Please present your warranty card and proof of purchase before requesting for
equipment repairs.
2. Equipment damage should not be caused by the result of natural disasters such as fire,
earthquake, flood, lightning and force majeure.
3. Equipment damage should not be caused by the result of falling off, misuse, blank run and
violating operation instructions
4. Equipment damage should not be caused by self dismantling and repairs other than the
inspection by authorized distributor.

1. Please show the warranty card and proof of purchase before ask for equipment repair
2. The damage of Equipment must not caused by fire, earthquake, flood, lightning, other natural disasters and...


1. Please show the warranty card and proof of purchase before ask for equipment repair
2. The damage of Equipment must not caused by fire, earthquake, flood, lightning, other natural disasters and force majeure.
3. Device damage must not caused by dropped, misuse, and violation of rules, etc. idling by man-made.
4. Without the dealer check and repair damage to disassemble.


1 equipment repair, please show warranty card and proof of purchase.
2 the equipment to fire, earthquakes, floods, lightning strikes and other natural disasters and damage caused by force majeure....


1 equipment repair, please show warranty card and proof of purchase.
2 the equipment to fire, earthquakes, floods, lightning strikes and other natural disasters and damage caused by force majeure.
3 Equipment is not falling, misuse, idling and maloperation caused by man-made damage etc...
4 equipment without designated dealers check and repair the damage caused by the automatic disassembly.


英语翻译1.设备维修前,请出示保修卡及购买证明.2.设备非火灾,地震,水灾,雷击等自然灾害及不可抗力引起的损坏.3.设备未被摔落,误用,空转及违反操作规程等情况造成的人为损坏.4.设备未经 请出示您的身份证,英语翻译 英语翻译1.负责设备的管理工作,对设备进行保养、维护、维修,以确保其处于完好状态;2.及时安排并实施设备、仪器的巡回检查、故障维修和保养工作,做好设备运行记录、检修记录及现场管 英语翻译计算机软硬件、普通机电产品、环保设备研发、销售、维修;照相器材销售、维修;商务信息咨询;农产品研发、种植;感光材料、文体及办公用品、饰品、工艺品、化妆品、电子 英语翻译保修期内,用户送修时必须持有送修产品购买的有效发票和厂方指定的相关三包凭证,三包有效期自发票开具之日起算.用户应妥善保存保修卡和购机发票,送修时必须同时出示保修卡和 “机械制造工艺及设备与维修”用英语怎么说 英语翻译翻译词组:1.检查官,出示,工资单 英语翻译这是产品的保修卡上的 出示单位证明 英语翻译 中译英 请出示收据 两道类型数学题1.工厂设备如果更新过早,设备的生产潜力未得到完全发挥就被抛弃,造成损失;更新过晚,设备生产率低下,维修费用昂贵,也会造成损失.现有一台设备,原价值K=40000元,设备维修及 英语翻译如果是产品本身质量问题,一年内保修,运费由贵方承担;保修范围不包括人为、外力等造成的损坏,如超出保修期,按照适当收费原则,负责系统的终生维修. 高速公路计重设备的原理及示意图我想学习高速公路的计重维修 需要购买一批设备.深圳钻床厂家有哪些?需要购买一批钻床在深圳的才介绍,因为保修、售后这个才是重点.用过西湖牌的钻床,维修率低,深圳有厂家的么? 英语翻译订单3366中的A设备,我们已经维修好,随时可以发货,但是这台机器在保修期外需要收费维修,我门在附件中插入了一个关于这个订单的维修报价单,请您确认并给我们正式订单,我们收到 英语翻译经营范围:1、工程项目管理2、建筑劳务服务3、空调设备的维修维护4、环保净化除尘设备的销售及技术服务5、机械设备租赁6、翻译服务 关于Swatch手表换表带的疑问?我的Swatch手表是在淘宝上买的,想换表带该怎么办?需不需要出示保修卡之类东西? 广州哪里有仪器维修的?是分析仪器维修、实验室仪器维修与设备维修的.