帮帮我啦~~~英语好的哥哥姐姐们帮帮我!翻译下我们老英在寒假布置让我们翻译英语,我是英痴也.所以大家帮帮我啦~`谢谢喽~~~ 11970 was the world Conservation Year .The Untions wanted everyone to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 19:20:19

帮帮我啦~~~英语好的哥哥姐姐们帮帮我!翻译下我们老英在寒假布置让我们翻译英语,我是英痴也.所以大家帮帮我啦~`谢谢喽~~~ 11970 was the world Conservation Year .The Untions wanted everyone to
1970 was the world Conservation Year .The Untions wanted everyone to konw that world is in danger .They hoped that governments would act quickly in oder to "conserver"nature.Here is one example of the proble.At one time there were 1,300 different plants ,trees and flowers in Holland,but now only 860 remain The others have been destroyed by modern man and his technology .We can't live witithout these things If we continue like this ,we shall destroy ourselves.
what will happen in the future?Perhaps it is more important to ask "What must we do now?"the people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young people today.A lot of them konw
that conservation .May are helping to save our world.they plant trees ,build bridges across rivers in forests,and so on .In A Small town in the United States a large group of girls cleaned the 11-kilometer-long banks of the river .Yong people may hear about conservation through a record called "NO ONE'GOING TO OUR WORLD".it was made by the Scatles , Cliff Richard and other singers.The money frome it will help to consever wild animals.

帮帮我啦~~~英语好的哥哥姐姐们帮帮我!翻译下我们老英在寒假布置让我们翻译英语,我是英痴也.所以大家帮帮我啦~`谢谢喽~~~ 11970 was the world Conservation Year .The Untions wanted everyone to
未来会发生什么?或者更为重要的问题是“我们现在该做什么?”.要知道未来世界的主人就是现在的年轻人.现在许多青年人都已经知道了生态保护的重要性,因为只有实行生态保护才能维系我们的生存世界.他们开始采取栽种树木以及在森林的小溪上搭桥等等行动.美国某个小镇上的女孩合力清理了11公里长的河岸.年轻人了解生态保护或许是因为他们听了Scatles 和Cliff Richard等巨星录制的唱片《无人在我们的世界》.这张唱片所有的销售收入都用于保护野生动物.

哥们这难度太大了吧 还哥哥姐姐呢 你 70了吧

1970 was the world Conservation Year .The Untions wanted everyone to konw that world is in danger .They hoped that governments would act quickly in oder to "conserver"nature.Here is one example of the...


1970 was the world Conservation Year .The Untions wanted everyone to konw that world is in danger .They hoped that governments would act quickly in oder to "conserver"nature.Here is one example of the proble.At one time there were 1,300 different plants ,trees and flowers in Holland,but now only 860 remain The others have been destroyed by modern man and his technology .We can't live witithout these things If we continue like this ,we shall destroy ourselves.
what will happen in the future?Perhaps it is more important to ask "What must we do now?"the people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young people today.A lot of them konw
that conservation .May are helping to save our world.they plant trees ,build bridges across rivers in forests,and so on .In A Small town in the United States a large group of girls cleaned the 11-kilometer-long banks of the river .Yong people may hear about conservation through a record called "NO ONE'GOING TO OUR WORLD".it was made by the Scatles , Cliff Richard and other singers.The money frome it will help to consever wild animals.
未来会发生什么?或者更为重要的问题是“我们现在该做什么?”。要知道未来世界的主人就是现在的年轻人。现在许多青年人都已经知道了生态保护的重要性,因为只有实行生态保护才能维系我们的生存世界。他们开始采取栽种树木以及在森林的小溪上搭桥等等行动。美国某个小镇上的女孩合力清理了11公里长的河岸。年轻人了解生态保护或许是因为他们听了Scatles 和Cliff Richard等巨星录制的唱片《无人在我们的世界》。这张唱片所有的销售收入都用于保护野生动物。


1970 年是世界保护年. 联合国想要每个人知道世界处在危险当中.
例.在荷兰以前有1,300 中不同的植物,树 和花, 但现在仅存860种.其它的
已被现代人和他们的高科技破坏. 如果继续这样的话没有这些生物我们不能生存,我们是在破坏我们自己.
未来会发生什么? 也许更重要的是要问"我们现在必须做什...


1970 年是世界保护年. 联合国想要每个人知道世界处在危险当中.
例.在荷兰以前有1,300 中不同的植物,树 和花, 但现在仅存860种.其它的
已被现代人和他们的高科技破坏. 如果继续这样的话没有这些生物我们不能生存,我们是在破坏我们自己.
未来会发生什么? 也许更重要的是要问"我们现在必须做什么?" 明天生活在世界上的人今天的年青人. 他们中的许多都知道保护自然.许多人正在帮助救我们的世界. 他们种树,在森林的河上建桥等等. 在美国的一个小城,一 大群女孩打扫了11千米长的河堤.年轻人也许通过一个叫"无人到我们世界"的录音中了解保护自然.它是由司加特,克里夫理查德和其他的歌手唱的. 从这得到的钱要用来保护野生动物.
(NOTE: 请小弟弟或小妹妹要认真对待,别只知道完成任务!要好好学ENGLISH!)
