英语翻译3 Causes of brand declineTo understand why brands decline,we draw upon theories of brand evolution.The popular product life cycle (PLC) framework identifies four stages:introduction,growth,maturity,and decline.The simplicity of the PLC fr

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英语翻译3 Causes of brand declineTo understand why brands decline,we draw upon theories of brand evolution.The popular product life cycle (PLC) framework identifies four stages:introduction,growth,maturity,and decline.The simplicity of the PLC fr
3 Causes of brand decline
To understand why brands decline,we draw upon theories of brand evolution.The popular product life cycle (PLC) framework identifies four stages:introduction,growth,maturity,and decline.The simplicity of the PLC framework is appealing; however,several scholars point to some of its major drawbacks,including its tautological nature for managers (Hunt,1976).It “uses sales to define the stages of the life cycle,which in turn are used to predict sales” (Tellis and Crawford,1981 G.J.Tellis and C.M.Crawford,An evolutionary approach to product growth theory,Journal of Marketing 45 (4) (1981),pp.125–132.Full Text via CrossRefTellis & Crawford,1981,p.125).In fact,the managing partner and president of Baumwoll International Consulting suggests that excessive reliance on the PLC creates a self-fulfilling prophecy because,when sales decline,“management decides that a brand no longer needs investment and begins to milk the brand” (J.Baumwoll,personal communication,January 23,2006).
A more evolved form of the PLC framework,the product evolutionary cycle (PEC) proposed by Tellis and Crawford (1981),offers additional insights into how a brand grows.According to the PEC,in a biological context,the evolution of organisms is affected by three forces:generative (genetics),selective (the environment),and mediative (intervention by other species; specifically,humans).The PEC framework is equally applicable to brands ([Holak and Tang,1990] and [Tellis and Crawford,1981]).This framework suggests that a brand can evolve,and is not pre-destined to die.
Managerial actions,both strategic and tactical,play a vital role in determining a brand's future.These actions act as a generative force in the brand's evolutionary growth.However,managerial actions do not take place in isolation.The market environment serves as a selective force,affecting brands in certain industries.Finally,for most brands,the effectiveness of management actions will be impacted by the intervening actions of competitors.In other words,competitors’ actions act as a mediative force in a brand's evolution.Thus,in the context of brands,managerial and entrepreneurial activities constitute the generative force,the market environment acts as the selective force,and competitors’ actions and responses to marketing initiatives constitute the mediative force.This is an intuitive and insightful approach of categorizing the key factors in a brand's success or decline.We now elaborate on each of these forces,and explain their role in brand decline.

英语翻译3 Causes of brand declineTo understand why brands decline,we draw upon theories of brand evolution.The popular product life cycle (PLC) framework identifies four stages:introduction,growth,maturity,and decline.The simplicity of the PLC fr
3,品牌数量减少的原因要理解为什么品牌的下降,我们借鉴品牌进化理论.广受欢迎的产品生命周期(PLC)的框架确定了四个阶段:导入期,成长期,成熟期和衰退.PLC的架构简单,是吸引人的,但是,一些学者指出其主要缺点部分,包括其管理人员反复循环的性质(亨特,1976).它“使用销售的生命周期定义,而这又是用来预测销售的阶段”(特利斯和克劳福德,1981年吉焦特利斯和CM克劳福德,进化论的方法来进行产品增长理论,市场营销杂志45(4)( 1981年),第125-132.全文通过CrossRefTellis&克劳福德,1981年,第125页).事实上,管理合作伙伴和Baumwoll国际咨询公司总裁认为,过分依赖在PLC上创建了一个自我实现的预言,因为当销售下滑,“管理层决定,一个品牌不再需要投资,并开始对牛奶的品牌”(十.Baumwoll,个人通信,2006年1月23日).一个更进化的PLC框架形式,产品的进化周期(佩奇)由特利斯和克劳福德(1981)提出,到如何提供一个品牌成长的额外的见解.据佩奇,在生物方面,生物进化是受三股势力:生成(遗传学),选择性(环境)和mediative(由其他物种的干预,具体而言,人类).在PEC框架同样适用于品牌([Holak,唐,1990]和[特利斯和克劳福德,1981]).该框架表明,一个品牌能够发展,而不是预先注定要死亡.管理行为,战略和战术,在决定一个品牌的未来至关重要的作用.这些行动作为该品牌的进化发展生成的力量.但是,管理不采取行动,在隔离的地方.市场环境作为一种选择性的力量,影响了某些行业的著名品牌.最后,对于大多数品牌,管理措施的有效性将受到影响的竞争对手的干预行动.换句话说,竞争对手的行动作为一个品牌的进化mediative力量.因此,在品牌,管理和企业经营活动中构成的生成力,市场环境的行为作为选择压力,以及竞争对手的行动,并构成了营销活动的反应mediative力量.这是一个分类的一个品牌的成功或下降的关键因素直观的和有见地的办法.现在,我们详细说明这些部队的每一项,说明在品牌下降的作用.

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